Where to read In-Flight Chinese: Learn Before You Land by Living Language bookshop macbook book german without registering

Where to read In-Flight Chinese: Learn Before You Land by Living Language bookshop macbook book german without registering

Where to read In-Flight Chinese: Learn Before You Land by Living Language bookshop macbook book german without registering

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Book description
Im not giving it one star because its accurate.Since international flights to China from English-speaking countries all exceed 10 hours, this could be much more detailed than what it is...The good:- Some handy phrases, such as I dont understand, speak slowly,my Chinese is not good, numbers etc.- Some good emergency phrases.The bad:- Phrases are too long and a bit fast for beginners. - They are not broken down, so you are forced to memorize the whole phrase (an therefore its hard to create/understand alternative phrases)- No listening practice (though thats common with phase-book type language books, it would still be nice)This might be good if you had no idea that you were going to China, and you really do have just the flight to learn. It might also be good if you have no other audio source to listen to native speakers.
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