Where to read I am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story by Rick Bragg eng full no registration francais download

Where to read I am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story by Rick Bragg eng full no registration francais download

Where to read I am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story by Rick Bragg eng full no registration francais download

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Book description

Book description
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author Rick Bragg lends his remarkable narrative skills to the story of the most famous POW this country has known. In I Am a Soldier, Too, Bragg lets Jessica Lynch tell the story of her capture in the Iraq War in her own words--not the sensationalized ones of the medias initial reports. Here we see how a humble rural upbringing leads to a stint in the military, one of the most exciting job options for a young person in Palestine, West Virginia. We see the real story behind the ambush in the Iraqi Desert that led to Lynchs capture. And we gain new perspective on her rescue from an Iraqi hospital where she had been receiving care. Here Lynch’s true heroism and above all, modesty, is allowed to emerge, as were shown how she managed her physical recovery from her debilitating wounds and contended with the misinformation--both deliberate and unintended--surrounding her highly publicized rescue. In the end, what we see is a uniquely American story of courage and true heroism.
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