Where to read Hush Money by Susan Bischoff (Goodreads Author) full version via no registration ipad free

Where to read Hush Money by Susan Bischoff (Goodreads Author) full version via no registration ipad free

Where to read Hush Money by Susan Bischoff (Goodreads Author) full version via no registration ipad free

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Book description
They call their abilities Talents, and that’s what they call themselves as well. Talents are people born with supernatural powers, feared by the population at large. Possession of an “unregistered ability” has become illegal, and those who are discovered are forcibly removed to government-run research facilities. For Talents, keeping their secret is the most important thing in their lives. For some, that need for secrecy begins to define who they are.That’s how it is for Joss, a high school girl who does everything in her power to go unnoticed. Shes incredibly bright, but strives to maintain grades that are good yet not too good. She doesnt participate in school activities, keeps quiet in class, eats by herself. Despite her longtime crush on Dylan, she wouldnt even think about trying to talk to him. Joss doesnt make friends of any kind, because friends can draw attention, friends can make you slip up, friends can make things complicated.When new girl, Kat, steps in to rescue Joss from an uncomfortable situation with Marco, the class jerk, she doesn’t realize what she’s getting into, and it blows up in her face. Joss finds herself torn between a desire to do the right thing, to find some way to help a girl who was kind to her; and her need to mind her own business and fade into. For the first time, Joss begins to question the way she operates, and starts to long for connections with other people--especially a connection with Dylan, whos finally starting to talk to her.But whats up with Dylans sudden interest? As Marco’s best friend, can he be trusted at all?Its bad enough when a girls got to worry about friends, boys, over-protective dads, and shoes that pinch, but when you throw in blackmail, government agents with guns, and really annoying little sisters...thats just about too much to handle, even for a girl with an ass-kicking superpower.
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