Where to read History of the World in 100 Modern Objects: Middle-class stuff (and nonsense) by Francesca Hornak online full buy text how read

Where to read History of the World in 100 Modern Objects: Middle-class stuff (and nonsense) by Francesca Hornak online full buy text how read

Where to read History of the World in 100 Modern Objects: Middle-class stuff (and nonsense) by Francesca Hornak online full buy

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Book description

Book description
Since Spring 2013, Francesca Hornak has been writing a hugely popular column in the Sunday Times Style section, History of the World in 100 Modern Objects. Featuring a different iconic object each week, the column explores contemporary middle-class life through the objects we fetishise. Each column is a little vignette about a different character, such as Izzy, whos 26 and interns at Kelly Hoppen and gets into a spat with her flatmate about a twee Oliver Bonas cake stand, Nick, 40, whos considering the safety aspects of his childrens bike trailer and remembering his old DJing days, and Philippa, 64, whos tussling with her Sky TV remote after her divorce. Funny, charming and sometimes poignant, each column is an evocative slice of modern life. The columns are accompanied by crisp, colourful illustrations by the illustrator James Joyce, which make the book into a design object itself.
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