Where to read Gravity Is a Mystery by Franklyn Mansfield Branley ebay price shop free find

Where to read Gravity Is a Mystery by Franklyn Mansfield Branley ebay price shop free find

Where to read Gravity Is a Mystery by Franklyn Mansfield Branley ebay price shop free find

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Book description
This book is a work of nonfiction and it is intended for primary readers. Gravity Is a Mystery is about what gravity is and does. This book is also about what is possible because of gravity. It also explores cause and effect. I rated this book two stars because it was a bit confusing. I feel that if it is confusing for me that it is going to be way more confusing for younger children. The illustrations are modern looking and colorful. The main character is a scientist and this would be appealing to children because children are fascinated with anything to do with science. The scientist fits in perfectly with the topic of gravity. Although children may not be able to understand this book fully they may be able to understand some concept of gravity after reading it. Children would find this book appealing because there are many illustrations of the universe and children seem to be interested in what our universe looks like.
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