Where to read Golden Dolly by Lizbie Browne portable book epub itunes amazon

Where to read Golden Dolly by Lizbie Browne portable book epub itunes amazon

Where to read Golden Dolly by Lizbie Browne portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
Jupiters Kackstraws! raged the gentleman as he picked himself up from the spot where his horse had thrown him. Even with his blue coat torn across the shoulders and his cream riding breeches spattered with mud, he was the most dangerously attractive man Fanny Milbanke had ever seen. Unfortunately, Fanny was the cause of his present predicament and he returned her shy glance of interest with a blistering setdown. It was not the most auspicious of beginnings, nor did it bode well for the rest of Fannys country visit with her cousin Caroline. But Fanny did not known that the man who had landed at her feet was none other than Edward Knight, her cousins enigmatic neighbor...and the one man who could touch Fannys gentle heart...
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