Where to read Global Citizens: How our vision of the world is outdated, and what we can do about it by Mark Gerzon ebay acquire selling free reader

Where to read Global Citizens: How our vision of the world is outdated, and what we can do about it by Mark Gerzon ebay acquire selling free reader

Where to read Global Citizens: How our vision of the world is outdated, and what we can do about it by Mark Gerzon ebay acquire

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Book description
We are all aware of the number of global problems that need to be solved in order to save the future of the world: financial crises, the environment and terrorism, to name a few. But as the author of this stimulating and practical book makes clear, it is not enough for us to wait for governments and international companies to sort things out. We all have to realise our global common ground amidst differences everywhere in our lives, both at home and at work, locally and abroad. At the moment we are putting forward piecemeal solutions to global issues when we really need to start seeing ourselves as citizens of the world if we are to effect real change.The author, Mark Gerzon, is perfectly placed to explain this important new step which he believes we all need to take. He travels the globe lecturing, consulting and training, with clients ranging from Chinese and American politicians to leaders of the worlds top think tanks, encouraging them to work together and to sharpen four key skills: witnessing, learning, connecting and partnering. Only when we have all truly become global citizens does he believe we will become fully-fledged members of the human race, and start to solve the many crises facing our world.
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