Where to read Fear Itself by Walter Mosley torrent read offline audio text

Where to read Fear Itself by Walter Mosley torrent read offline audio text

Where to read Fear Itself by Walter Mosley torrent read offline audio text

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Book description
Im not a black man. Walter Mosley is, so I assume hes writing from experience and knows what hes talking about. As such, its nice to read crime drama/detective stories with well-round portraits of black men and women, men and women that the reader can believe in. Having said that, I didnt know what the hell was going on for half the time in Fear Itself. Now, part of that was intentional. Mosley held the old wool over my eyes for a while on purpose. On the other hand, there were times when the action and dialogue got somewhat muddied up, and I dont think that was intentional. This was not the strongest narrative story the authors ever composed, thats for sure. It does have its strong points though. The Southern California setting description is enjoyable for someone like myself whos spent some time there. The eccentrics that pop up are delightful distractions. Heres a point which Im not sure falls under strong or weak point: the main character. The diminutive and mild-mannered Paris Minton, a bookshop owner, is no hero. In fact, at times hes a coward. However, when the chips are down, the man stands up. The anti-hero is all the rage in literature these days, but the Paris character doesnt feel like a bandwagoner. He seems like the genuine article underdog. He feels realistic. He doesnt always do the right thing. He wants to do the right thing, but hes generally more concerned for himself. Im kind of disgusted by him at times. All that may have even lessened my overall enjoyment of the book, but by god, I respect Mosley for that!If you havent figured it out by now, I like Walter Mosley. From what Ive read, his books may not go down amongst the great literary works of our time. They should, however, be considered as valuable in their own right.
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