Where to read Faith and Finance: Peace With or Without Prosperity by Melissa Schworer price access online tom full version

Where to read Faith and Finance: Peace With or Without Prosperity by Melissa Schworer price access online tom full version

Where to read Faith and Finance: Peace With or Without Prosperity by Melissa Schworer price access online tom full version

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SYNOPSIS:Faith and Finance takes the fear out of financial management and making ends meet by guiding the reader through God’s scriptural promises on provision. It is a straightforward approach to looking at your stewardship through God’s eyes, hitting key points like debt, retirement, giving, lending, multiple incomes, peace in the home, and much more.BACK:A preacher once said, “Everyone is looking for peace. Everyone wants to take a deep breath and release a sigh of relief that is not just on the outside, but on the inside. That’s what we can have as Christians, but we have to appropriate what God has given to us to have that.”This book will take you through a journey that will plow the ground of your heart, lay a new foundation of financial principles based on the word of God, and help enable you to weather the inevitable financial storms of life – with peace.It doesn’t matter if your checking account is overflowing or empty, peace comes from knowing your footing is sure with every choice you make in your stewardship.No longer do you have to feel like the double-minded man tossed to and fro, uncertain about every decision. You can raise your shield of faith against each fiery dart by resting on the scriptural principles found within Faith and Finance – Peace With or Without Prosperity.EXCERPTS:Money reveals the love of our heart. Money reveals the pride in our heart. Money reveals whether we want to do it God’s way, or our way. This is not anything new.-How many people have heard the story about the drunk who got his paycheck and drank it away leaving a starving family at home?What about the man who bought a sports car, went golfing every weekend, went out to eat with his friends weekly and when he died he left his family with piles of debt and no life insurance?-God knows the potential and ability of each man and will lead him to reach it. If a man is lazy in the stewardship of his life, he will be held accountable for his waste. If a man is hasty in his choices and makes “investments” that go against the principles of God’s word, he will also be accountable for his stewardship. But a man that prayerfully and diligently works at increasing his ability within the bounds of God’s word has a greater opportunity to be used of God in finance.That being said, financial increase is not what we work toward. We work toward good stewardship, and as God provides we are able to do more to increase His work in our lives.-When listing off His commandments, covetousness is the only one God becomes specific about.-We women sacrifice peace when we leave our children behind for hours and find ourselves feeling guilty and insecure about our choices in this area. We sacrifice our God given peace oft times just for financial security. We enjoy knowing that our bills are being paid faster; our securities are growing as we would like; and we may be able to enjoy a vacation now and then.What we don’t realize is that we are hampering our own spiritual growth and our husband’s growth in the Lord.-Christians get so ensnared in what I call the “bittersweet abundance” that comes with government assistance that I see people falsifying their income or hiding cash they receive just to stay on assistance. If they saw God as their provider they would need not lie, because you cannot lie to God. They see the government as their provider and lie to stay in good graces. That is the snare. It is when one stops recognizing God as their provider, and they shift their eyes elsewhere that Satan wins the victory.That is what Satan desires. He wants a Godless people.-I entitled this book “Faith and Finance - Peace With or Without Prosperity” because God’s Word promises peace to those who keep their mind upon Him; not those who keep their checking account full.-We will find ourselves looking back and wondering, “My goodness, how did that all work out? God surely is faithful, isn’t He?
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