Where to read Do I Need It? or Do I Want It?: Making Budget Choices by Jennifer S. Larson eng access direct link portable download

Where to read Do I Need It? or Do I Want It?: Making Budget Choices by Jennifer S. Larson eng access direct link portable download

Where to read Do I Need It? or Do I Want It?: Making Budget Choices by Jennifer S. Larson eng access direct link portable download

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Book description

Book description
Do You plan how much money youll use to buy candy? or how much youll save for a new video game? Then youre budgeting! A budget is a plan for spending and saving. Budgets help people decide how to use their money wisely. What do you want? And how can you make a budget? Read this book to find out.Learn all about how we earn, spend, and save in the Exploring Economics series-part of the Lightning Bolt Books collection. With high-energy designs, exciting photos, and fun text, Lightning Bolt Books bring nonfiction topics to life!
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