Where to read Disfigured Liberty by Neil Brown (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

Where to read Disfigured Liberty by Neil Brown (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

Where to read Disfigured Liberty by Neil Brown (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

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Book description
Enter the intensity and humiliation of a mental hospital, the disorientation and gore after a subway has been bombed, a child’s terror of the strange man next door, and more than one depressed mind. This collection of short stories is vividly written. My favorite was the title one, “Disfigured Liberty,” because of the way it weaves together four people’s lives and in spite of much error and loss ends with hope. In most of these stories the protagonist is overcome by remorse and seeks redemption but doesn’t seem likely to ever find it. So I can’t say that I “enjoyed” this book, but many readers will. The writing, as I said, is strong. The scenes are meticulously drawn. It portrays people who are sinking deep into the dark labyrinth of shame and regret.I was given a review copy of this book for a non-reciprocal review.
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