Where to read Devils Gate: Brigham Young and the Great Mormon Handcart Tragedy by David Roberts finder download epub no registration torrent

Where to read Devils Gate: Brigham Young and the Great Mormon Handcart Tragedy by David Roberts finder download epub no registration torrent

Where to read Devils Gate: Brigham Young and the Great Mormon Handcart Tragedy by David Roberts finder download epub no registration

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This book made me so mad I didnt just want to stop reading it. I wanted to throw it across the room.Its not even because the author seems to patently disrespect Mormonism and Mormons. (Which I dont have a problem with on its own, but dude, if you hate Mormons, HOW ABOUT YOU DONT WRITE A BOOK ABOUT THEM.) Its because he disrespects us (Mormons) lazily and uninformed-ly and disingenuously that I got so angry at this book.Look, there are a lot of bad things you could say about my religion that are true. Im adult enough to admit that. So why do people (including Jon Krakauer, whose books I adore and love and worship except for the aberration that is Under the Banner of Heaven) insist on saying bad things about Mormons that are untrue and based on sloppy research? It drives me crazy in general, and it drove me crazy in this book.Chapter 1 was OK. I was prepared for some skepticism about the church because its par for the course in any book even remotely related to Mormonism written by an unbeliever. And there was a bit of a snide tone in Chapter 1. But I was willing to wade through it because I really wanted to get to the story of the Martin-Willie Handcart Company.The problem was, to get to that story, I had to read Chapter 2. Chapter 2 is filled with helpful little tidbits about Joseph Smith and Mormons. For example, Roberts goes on for a few pages about what a rogue Joseph Smith was and how all his neighbors submitted affidavits calling him a scoundrel and blah blah blah and then one sentence later on says, Some of these retrospective slurs were solicited by anti-Mormon polemicists, and are thus perhaps no more to be credited than the hagiographers rosy portraits. Well then. What are they doing in your book, presented as fact?He quotes Fawn Brodies No Man Knows My History at length, which bothered me. I thought that was discounted, at least in part, by serious historians years ago!He quotes Krakauer saying, Mormons the world over have committed [the exact time and date of Joseph Smiths death] to memory. Raise your hand if youre Mormon and you cannot name the hour and minute or even general time of day of Joseph Smiths death. FYI, my hand is raised and I bet yours is, too.Roberts asserts that another Mormon legend has it that the Donner Party was made up of the very men who had persecuted the Saints in Missouri and Illinois. Their terrible end was Gods punishment for their sins. I have never heard this insinuated or even hinted at in my entire life. In fact, I believe there was at least one Mormon [i]in[/i] the Donner Party. Ridiculous.He ascribes the basest motives to the Mormons choosing the Salt Lake Valley in which to settle and he does it so disingenuously that it makes me want to spit.Are you Mormon? If so, PIONEER DAY IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU THAN CHRISTMAS. According to Mr. Roberts. And it is the occasion for gala celebrations not only in Salt Lake City but in every Mormon community. Please tell that to my younger self, ages 0 - 13, during which time I had never even heard of Pioneer Day. Or tell it to the dozens of Filipino Mormons in my ward here and listen to them tell you that if they know about Pioneer Day, IF, they maybe dont really care about it.Anyway, at first I thought maybe I could just skip to the handcart part, but then I realized that anything I read beyond Chapter 2 would be tainted. If he got so much about basic Mormonism wrong, how could I believe anything else he told me, any other research he presented? So I quit the book about 100 pages in.Now if youll excuse me, Im going to re-read Fire of the Covenant: The Story of the Willie and Martin Handcart Companies by Gerald Lund.Just kidding...or am I?
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