Where to read Destroy the Opposition by Jamie Lewis book fb2 online

Where to read Destroy the Opposition by Jamie Lewis book fb2 online

Where to read Destroy the Opposition by Jamie Lewis book fb2 online

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Book description

Book description
The best writer in the biz, Jamie Lewis was a former record holder for both the 181lb weight class and a raw, wrapless, 650lb squat. Discussing his own evolution as a very genetically average lifter; Lewis replaced excuses with a “fuck or walk” tenacity to crush the weights and become one of the world’s best in the sport of powerlifting. This book contains the tips, techniques and analysis of the sport’s best to help you bring up your own lifts in the Big 3. HIT Jedis need look elsewhere because there’s no, “two-set tickle your balls and leave you living a life of regret” routines in this one. Based around a philosophy that “nobody got better at anything by doing less of it”, Lewis system relies on volume, frequency, liberal amounts of hard work and delivers results big time. He delves into the history of lifters who dominated the primary lifts and extrapolates the specifics on what made these guys and girls the top of their game. A great addition to his earlier works showing both intermediate and advanced lifters how to specifically tailor a a program that will enable them to crush the opposition on game day. 5/5
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