Where to read Death By Scrabble by Charlie Fish reader read page writer djvu

Where to read Death By Scrabble by Charlie Fish reader read page writer djvu

Where to read Death By Scrabble by Charlie Fish reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
Charlie Fishs Death By Scrabble starts with It is a hot day and I hate my wife. You wonder how much exactly the guy hates his wife. Soon the story provides you with an answer. Or is it the game of Scrabble that is doing so with each move either of them play? How many times does the husband wish during the game that he could make MURDER or KILL which would be a good sign of getting rid of his wife. He plays ZAP. Did she get an electric shock while turning the air-conditioning on because of that? Do you see a smirk on the hubbys face as his wish seems to be coming true? Maybe his next move will prove to be her death knell.image: The smiles are just a mask to cover actual emotions.How he hates her as it is hot and yet she makes tea! She is sure that he has cheated behind her back by changing a letter from the bag.She seems to be enjoying the hot cuppa. It seems to be having an equal and opposite reaction on him. She has even played a seven-letter word scoring a bonus of 50 points. If she keeps scoring like that she is bound to beat him soon. He feels like strangulating her right now.Is the game jinxed or what? Does each word spelled out make things come true accordingly? If he is able to play DEATH will it actually lead to her exit from Planet Earth? But to get those letters luck truly has to be on his side.The guy has a bad habit of chewing on a letter whenever he feels nervous. Almost all letters have become frayed because of that.It is a tale with a twist. You are bound to love it. And if you enjoy playing Scrabble like me, then you are bound to love it even more.
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