Where to read Compromised by Kate Noble (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

Where to read Compromised by Kate Noble (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

Where to read Compromised by Kate Noble (Goodreads Author) story offline online doc finder

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Book description
From a dazzling new voice in historical fiction comes a pair of mismatched lovers who find themselves caught in a most scandalous position. Miss Gail Alton is not having a good day. Or a good year. First, her new stepmother strong-arms her into attending the Season as a foil to her beautiful sister Evangeline. Then, while riding her mare in the park, she gets toppled by a stuffy, self-important, too-handsome-by-half gentleman who has the audacity to blame her for their fall into the chilly lake! Little does she know that the very same man will soon be found in a compromising position with Gails sister. Forced into asking for Evangelines hand in marriage, Maximillian, Viscount Fontaine, cant take his mind off the irksome girl who threw him from his horse and who can match wits with him at every turn. Hes determined to follow through with his best intentions, yet he cant deny that every encounter with Gail makes him want to cast propriety aside-and whisk away the sister of his soon-to-be bride.
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