Where to read Collected Essays 2: Literary Criticism by H.P. Lovecraft read store amazon sale mobile

Where to read Collected Essays 2: Literary Criticism by H.P. Lovecraft read store amazon sale mobile

Where to read Collected Essays 2: Literary Criticism by H.P. Lovecraft read store amazon sale mobile

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Lovecrafts writings in the realm of literary criticism are unfailingly acute and cover a surprisingly wide range. Besides his authoritative early essay on The Literature of Rome (1918), other works condemn free verse and simple spelling, and devote attention to neglected poets. Discovering weird fiction as his chosen field, he produced such scintillating essays as Lord Dunsany and His Work (1922) and Supernatural Horror in Literature (1927), along with essays on Frank Belknap Long and Clark Ashton Smith. Late in life Lovecraft codified his grasp of weird literature by writing such trenchant pieces as Notes on Writing Weird Fiction (1933) and Some Notes on Interplanetary Fiction (1934). One of his last writings, Suggestions for a Reading Guide (1936), is a comprehensive discussion of world literature. H. P. Lovecraft has belatedly received world renown as the twentieth centurys premier author of supernatural fiction; but during his lifetime he wrote far more essays than stories. This edition gathers Lovecrafts complete nonfictional output for the first time, arranged in broad thematic groupings. S. T. Joshi, the worlds leading authority on Lovecraft, exhaustively annotates all texts, also providing critical and bibliographical notes.
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