Where to read Clem Labine: "Always A Dodger" by Richard Elliott direct link price prewiew online text

Where to read Clem Labine: "Always A Dodger" by Richard Elliott direct link price prewiew online text

Where to read Clem Labine: "Always A Dodger" by Richard Elliott direct link price prewiew online text

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Book description
Clem Labine was the King of the Bullpen so described by Robert Creamer of Sports Illustrated. He was baseballs premier closer two decades before the term closer was ever used. He led the League in saves for years, a decade before saves were even tallied. He was twice an All Star and three times a World Series Champion. As a Brooklyn Dodger, Clem ended with a Lifetime World Series ERA of a remarkable 1.65, and is a member of the Brooklyn Dodger Baseball Hall of Fame. As a rookie, he shut out the Giants in the second game of the iconic best-of-three 1951 playoffs. In the Dodgers 1955 World Series Championship, he saved one game and won another. The following year, he pitched the day after Don Larsens perfect game in the 1956 World Series and outdueled Yankee ace Bob Turley for a 10 inning 1-0 victory, going the distance. And yet, though acknowledged by his peers as one of baseballs all-time greats, he is nearly forgotten by all except the most ardent of fans. He played with Jackie Robinson and Carl Erskine and Pee Wee Reese and Campy and Hodges and the Duke. He was one of them and they knew it, and all of baseball knew it. But the public recognition was never there. One time in New York, Chicago Cubs manager Bob Scheffing was asked by a reporter If you had your choice of any one pitcher in the entire league, who would you pick? Labine Scheffing said, without hesitation. (Robert Creamer, Sports Illustrated June 3, 1957) So why, we all ask. Why historys failure to acknowledge Clems talents and contributions? I like Tommy Lasordas explanation best of all; He played the game the way it was supposed to be played. He gave it everything he had, he got along with everyone and everyone loved him.....He was one of the finest pitchers to ever play the game...... but he was surrounded by too many stars. Therefore, maybe it is time to talk about my friend Clem Labine...to celebrate this Brooklyn Dodger Boy of Summer; this man of principle! Not just the athlete, but the husband, father, friend, and proud citizen of his little home town of Woonsocket, R.I.
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