Where to read Break It Up by E.M. Tippetts (Goodreads Author) read pc link english iBooks

Where to read Break It Up by E.M. Tippetts (Goodreads Author) read pc link english iBooks

Where to read Break It Up by E.M. Tippetts (Goodreads Author) read pc link english iBooks

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Book description
Kyra Armijo is making a few changes in her life. One of them being, shes no longer going to give it up to every guy who looks at her twice. And shes putting her hopes and dreams for her future first. When the aspiring photojournalist gets the opportunity of a lifetime to tag along with international boy band sensation, Triple Cross, she cant pass up the chance.The only problem is that shes in love with one band member, dodging the unwanted attention of another, and desperate to keep her turbulent past under wraps. Triple Cross have nice guy appeal, approved of by parents the world over, but have just let go their longtime manager, who controlled their clean image and media exposure with an iron fist. When Zach Wechsler, the object of Kyras affection, begins to show interest, she has to be careful.Surely one girl cant destroy a band thats been together for ten years... only what if she can? Kyra knows shes one bad decision away from ruining everything shes worked for, and taking the hottest act of her generation down with her.
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