Where to read Bloody Fabulous: Stories of Fantasy and Fashion by Ekaterina Sedia (Editor) epub online reading

Where to read Bloody Fabulous: Stories of Fantasy and Fashion by Ekaterina Sedia (Editor) epub online reading

Where to read Bloody Fabulous: Stories of Fantasy and Fashion by Ekaterina Sedia (Editor) epub online reading

> READ BOOK > Two at the Zoo

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Book description

Book description
Counting is always more fun when Grandpa helps! From one black bear to ten hairy warthogs, the young narrator and his grandpa count their way through a colorful and sometimes unusual zoo, encountering a wide assortment of friendly animals along the way. There are lions, zebras, and penguins, of course, but also chameleons and eagles . . . and even tarantulas! Playful, quirky illustrations put the loving relationship between the youthful grandfather and the grandson on proud display, while an upbeat, rhymed text full of sparkling verb sounds invites even the youngest readers and listeners to participate.
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