Where to read Blast from the Past by Stephani Hecht (Goodreads Author) download book value online kindle

Where to read Blast from the Past by Stephani Hecht (Goodreads Author) download book value online kindle

Where to read Blast from the Past by Stephani Hecht (Goodreads Author) download book value online kindle

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Book description
Laid off from his dream job and broke, Bailey Hall goes back home with his tail between his legs and a severely bruised ego. It doesnt help matters that the only work he can find is at his older sisters day care. Now, instead of spending the day teaching high school students Shakespeare and Keats, hes wiping snotty noses and tripping on building blocks. Then one rainy afternoon, his humiliation reaches a whole new low when David Walker comes in to pick up his baby nephew. Not only was David the most popular guy in high school, but Bailey harbored a secret crush on the guy. Bailey is both horrified and excited to see that, eight years later, David is just as hot as ever. Hes also very successful and wealthy, neither of which Bailey is.David spent the past years fulfilling his dream of becoming a successful lawyer and he finally has almost everything hes ever wanted within his grasp. Then he goes into the daycare center and spots the one thing his libido has never been able to resist--Bailey. All through his senior year of high school, David lusted after the shy, dark-haired, freshman scholar. Hed been too afraid to act on his feelings at the time. Not only was Bailey too young for a relationship, but the teen had also been struggling with his sexuality. Although it was the hardest thing hed ever done, David forced himself not to act on his feelings and kept his hands off Bailey. Now that they are both adults and he has Bailey in his sights again, David vows to finally give into his desires. But will Bailey welcome his attraction or will David have to live with nothing but his regrets to keep him company at night?
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