Where to read Backwards by Rob Grant reader touch review online sale

Where to read Backwards by Rob Grant reader touch review online sale

Where to read Backwards by Rob Grant reader touch review online sale

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Book description
This is the third adventure of the unlikely space heroes of the cult TV hit Red Dwarf – Lister, Rimmer, Kryten, Holly and the Cat – as they continue their epic journey through frontal-lobe-knotting realities. We join them just as Dave Lister has finally found his way back to planet Earth – which is good. What’s bad, however, is that time isn’t running in quite the right direction. And if he doesn’t get off the planet soon, he’s going to have to go through puberty again – backwards. If his crewmates can’t help him, Lister will carry on growing younger until he becomes a baby, then an embryo, meeting a very sticky end indeed.
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