Where to read Artemis the Loyal by Joan Holub (Goodreads Author) portable read story online shop

Where to read Artemis the Loyal by Joan Holub (Goodreads Author) portable read story online shop

Where to read Artemis the Loyal by Joan Holub (Goodreads Author) portable read story online shop

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Book description
Its time for the annual Olympic Games, and the four goddessgirls are not happy! Its boys only--and the girls at MOA are not pleased. Led by Artemis, Athena, Persphone and Aphrodite, the ladies of Mount Olympus hatch a plan to get Zeus to open up the games to everyone. Will they succeed--or end up watching from the sidelines again?These classic myths from the Greek pantheon are given a modern twist that contemporary tweens can relate to, from dealing with bullies like Medusa to a first crush on an unlikely boy. Goddess Girls follows four goddesses-in-training – Athena, Persephone, Aphrodite, and Artemis – as they navigate the ins and outs of divine social life at Mount Olympus Academy, where the most priviledged gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon hone their mythical skills.
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