Where to read A dictionary of Dehong, Southwest China by Yongxian Luo online pdf shop ipad acquire

Where to read A dictionary of Dehong, Southwest China by Yongxian Luo online pdf shop ipad acquire

Where to read A dictionary of Dehong, Southwest China by Yongxian Luo online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
Seems to be a great dictionary of Tai Nüa (Dehong Dai or Chinese Shan), and it does have a great deal of additional information in the front: a map, an introduction not only to the phonology and historical tone splits and sound shifts, but even a short introduction to the most important grammatical rules!. There are also several charts and explanations on the script used in the book and its predecesor (the old Dai script). The words in the dictionary are written in both the Dai script as well as IPA (including the tone mark), followed by translations and occasionally even example phrases. At the end of the book theres an English-Dehong index for quick reference, which I find really useful. All in all, this is a very well done dictionary in my eyes (though I have to admit, I havent had the chance to use it yet). Full stars!
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