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Actual rating: 3.5 starsIve been really eager to read A Million Suns for a while now. Im a Sci-Fi geek and Im not afraid to admit that. В (Hear that, Kennedy?! Im owning that!) So I think, in a way, I am prone to getting swept away with this series. And just as with Across the Universe, I was immediately sucked into the story, walking around my house with my face glued to the book, sitting on the edge of my seat trying to figure out the mysteries surrounding Godspeed. Because if there is one thing Revis does right, its anticipation.I struggled with deciding what to rate this book. On one hand I really liked it much better than Across the Universe, but on the other hand the ending let me down a bit. I suppose I should back track a bit and actually talk about the things I loved first. Be warned: the second half of the review will have spoilers.The best part of the book was the plot and pacing. Elder is trying to maintain peace, but the people are making that very difficult. After being enslaved to Phydus for years, some are depressed, rebellious and paranoid. A few citizens prey on those emotions and cause doubt of Elders ability to lead the people. The result? Chaos and not the beautiful kind. This puts Amy in a very precarious situation because the people blame her for their downward spiral. But Amy and Elder have another issue to handle after Amy discovers Orion has left clues to the Godspeeds biggest secret. I really liked how it felt like the readers job to help Amy and Elder solve the mystery because this book is very fast paced. The sense of urgency is definitely there throughout the entire novel, never letting the reader catch his/her breath!I also really liked the character growth from Elder. In Across the Universe he was very unsure of himself and for a moment he is that way in the beginning of A Million Suns, but you get to see him grow a back bone along with a matching pair of gonads. This made me really happy because lets be honest, it was about freakin time! We also get a chance to see Amy work her way through the personal issue on how she feels about Elder. She struggles with this at first because she isnt sure she is in love with him since they are the only two teenagers. She questions whether it is really love when you dont have any other choices. I would have liked to see more development from Amy besides whetherВ she wanted to be with Elder or not.And that leads us into the bad.*spoilers ahead*What really ticked me off with this book was the ending. Everything was going perfectly well until the villain and the ships secret were revealed. Orion has left Amy a series of video recordings of this huge secret he is sitting on and he tells her only she can make this choice and how it is such a huge decision...yada, yada, yada. Thats great. Really. I can totally get down with that. What I cant get down with is the actual secret. (view spoiler)[We find out that Godspeed has actually been at the new planet since the plague popped up generations ago. But they havent landed because planet scans reveal that whatever lives on the planet isnt friendly and they will probably have to go to war once they land. So the Elder system and Phydus were created to keep the people in check and prevent anyone from finding out the truth. So for all those years, Godspeed has just been orbiting around the new planet. All the while the food supply is quickly dwindling and the ship is falling apart. But what I dont understand is why they didnt communicate with Earth and GO HOME? Whose brilliant idea was it to stay on the ship that is falling apart FOREVER? (hide spoiler)]
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