What is Urunit Project?

What is Urunit Project?


What is Urunit Project?

Urunit is a project that seeks to break established traditions and put the control of casino business in the hands of players. The aim is to create a platform that will implement new game rules in the gambling universe, a “white label” platform that could be purchased by other operators and can easily adapt to their needs.

It is time to change the game rules in the Gambling Universe. To break the established traditions we just need to give the control of the casino, to the players themselves. Meaning, absolutely all games, tables, poker rooms, slot machines, lotteries and so on are controlled by the gamers, they host games themselves and receive most of the profit. Meet URUNIT - The only gambling platform 100% managed by its community! Players control the house, host all the games and receive most of the profit.


Time goes by, technologies change, but the main principle in the world of gambling remains the same: players come to the casino and spend their money hoping for a quick win. The problem is that the vast majority of players lose and don’t have even the slightest chance to affect the work of the casino in any way. Consequently, the game rules, as well as the rules of conduct for the players are determined entirely by the casino that strips the players to the thread and gets its super-profits from them. The players are only cash cows. Signs on the venues, bonus programs and technologies may change, but any casino still operates by the same principle. As a result, gambling market (including online) is filled with almost identical casinos that gives the gamers absolutely no choice as all of the casinos look pretty much the same.

Urunit Solution

Gambling market has obviously reached the dead end. Of course, casinos try to spend more money, use new technologies (such as blockchain) and come up with new gimmicks to attract and retain new customers, but they are not very successful at it. The solution is an entirely new type of casino, the casino managed by the players, who host all the games. In other words, absolutely all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. in this casino are controlled by the players themselves. Each game is hosted by a certain player. This player determines parameters of the game or tournament he is hosting and becomes the owner of the game for the time being. Let’s say, each game is leased to one of the players for a nominal fee. It can be leased for an hour, a day, a week, or a month. During this lease, the owner of the game not only monitors what is going on but also performs basic functions of a moderator. At the end of this period, the owner of the game receives most of the profit generated during his lease.

Platform Profit

On an average profit from the online gambling platform is 60%. In reality, each platform’s profit significantly varies and depends on the maintenance cost, investments in platform development and advertising. All these expenses, in turn, depend on a very large number of factors. The profit may be more or less, but we can assume that on average it is 60%. That leaves us 40% to cover all the expenses.

In other words, all the income from the place managed by the player will be split 50/50. This is the initial arrangement. After the first month of the platform operation, we can make some adjustments. If the actual expenses turn out lower than estimated 40%, the users’ share of income will increase accordingly. For example, if the expenses are 30% instead of 40%, the players will receive 60%. These adjustments will take place at the beginning of every month based on the previous month’s data. It is in our best interests to maximize the players’ share of income.

Urunit Technology

The company uses classic client-server technology to launch the platform. The reason we do not use blockchain to create a fully decentralized platform is quite simple. So far, there is not a single blockchain platform that would allow millisecond transactions for data transferring. Moreover, any transaction in the blockchain is by no means free. A large number of transactions with a lot of data will make it very expensive – the cost of the project will exceed any revenue it might generate. Of course, the concept of a fully decentralized platform has many advantages, but urunit.io will be able to implement it only after a new generation of blockchain platforms, eliminating the shortcomings of its predecessors will replace the existing ones.

How does Urunit Blockchain Gambling Platform Works?

URunit is based on the decentralized blockchain technology. Through the smart contract, URun ensures that URun tokens of a certain number are issued during the ICO after which no more tokens will be issued. Token holders are allowed to participate in the daily, weekly, and monthly jackpot drawings with 70% of all tokens collected on the platform being used.

URunit has engaged the services of the best lawyers in the field of finance and cryptocurrency to help with the regulations. The URun token is not a security but a utility token. This will ensure that after the ICO, it’s listing on the exchanges is expected to be fast.

The number of URun tokens in circulation will constantly decrease on the uRunit platform. This is because the tokens are used for all the transactions within the platform with a decline in the number of tokens taking place with every transaction. In short, the tokens are taken out of circulation.

Despite this, the demand for URun tokens will constantly increase as the number of casino operators using the platform grows. This means that the number of players using the URun tokens will also grow exponentially.

The security of this smart contract is not in question. It is of high quality and was confirmed by the best specialists in blockchain security through a technical audit that was conducted. The developers of the URun smart contract pride themselves in over 3 years of experience in blockchain solutions.


Roman Grushkovsky – Co-founder, CEO

Max Vaschuk – Co-founder, CMO

Leonid Rubin – Co-founder, COO

Victoria Naizer – Advisor

Tamara Dvir – Advisor

Shay Dvi – Chief Technology Officer


Token Sales Detail:

The goal of the campaign is to achieve a Soft Cap of 4,000,000 URUN tokens. A total of 80 million tokens will be emitted. Maximum number of tokens during the public sale stage will be 75% of all the emitted ones, which equals 60 million. The base price of one token is 0.00125 ETH (1 ETH = 800 URUN). Unsold tokens, emitted for sale during Closed pre-Sale, pre-ICO and ICO campaigns will be distributed proportionally among those who bought our tokens during pre-Sale and ICO stages. Tokens reserved for founders will be frozen for 2 years from the end of the ICO campaign. Tokens reserved for the team members will be frozen for 1 year from the end of the ICO campaign.

  • Token Symbol: URUN
  • Token Sale Starts: May 15th 2018
  • Token Sale Ends: June 15th 2018
  • Token Price: 1 ETH = 800 URUN
  • Total Supply: 80,000,000
  • Soft Cap: 4,000,000 tokens
  • Hard Cap: 60,000,000 tokens

For more information:

Website: https://www.urunit.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.urunit.io/docs/whitepaper_eng.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/urunit

Twitter: https://twitter.com/URUNIT_IO

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/urunit

Author: tinhkhuat

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1885373

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