What is TRIGGMINE Project?

What is TRIGGMINE Project?


What is Triggmine

Triggmine is an intellligent system for email marketing automation based on blockchain technology and smart contracting. This service enables eCommerce entrepreneurs to run cost-effective email marketing campaigns using AI-based systems. Smart contract guarantee from the selection results. Blockchain technology ensures 100% safe use and benefit from Triggmine.



  1. No human intervention
  2. Triggmine represents the next level of evolution in email marketing to the smalland
  3. medium-sized retailer. Users no longer need to manually configure endless
  4. lists, segment databases, and prepare mailing lists - all of this is handled by
  5. Triggmine’s intelligent system based on user data
  6. Self-learning application
  7. All you need to do is connect your store to the Triggmine application. Once integrated, the system analyzes your unique business, customers, and transaction history, to propose optimal campaign scenarios.
  8. Personal touch
  9. Depending on user behavior, the system will apply case measures to each user, analyzing the reasons for their behavior and their responses to the incentives. We call it the ‘aggressiveness’ of the campaign. This aggressiveness is applied to various stages of the life cycle and the characteristics of a particular customer.
  10. Optimal business success delivered to each unique retailer
  11. Triggmine helps each client maximize their customer touchpoints, from first purchase to continuing loyalty. By helping SMEs optimize and execute their campaigns, Triggmine has been able to achieve average sales lifts of greater than 30%.


Triggmine team has created a system that is really clever that not only automates the delivery of emails but also adjust change-business parameters and characteristics of each customer. This is possible because the technologies adopted in their solutions: AI and blockchain.

What is a smart system?

Consider a very simple example: you visit the online store, register, and add items to your shopping cart, then decide to leave the website without completing the purchase. Ten minutes later, you get an email offer discounts if you return and complete the purchase. This email is a product of "trigger system ". Based on simple rules, triggers the system to bring to account the simple act of «add to basket» and «left», which triggers the site along with an e-mail message for follow up abandoned shopping cart customers.

How it works

Email marketing automation is a trend that is unparalleled in the world of business. But the entrepreneur is still not able to fully exploit it because of lack of professional knowledge of time WE WANT to CHANGE IT with this in mind, we designed the Triggmine, the first solution that allows the entrepreneur to running their business instead of email campaigns. This is possible because a mixture of artificial intelligence, intelligent, contracts and best practices in marketing.


Global business globalization is no longer a trend, but a reality that businesses must adopt. Otherwise, they risk falling off their customers' radar. SaaS marketing automation solutions can save them from slipping into the bottom of the eCommerce world.

Small and medium-sized businesses are at their most difficult stage

business, because they need to approach global and local markets to succeed, but they do not have the right marketing opportunities to do so.

Email marketing automation can accelerate the growth of SMEs. However, existing tools do not work for them because of their high cost and unsuitable features. Therefore, it is very important to develop an adequate solution that will produce the desired results at a low price.

Triggmine streamlines the email marketing process for SMEs and helps them build attractive customer relationships. Triggmine is a combination of AIdriven solutions for AI-based email marketing and blockchain technology, highlighted by seamless integration, easy-to-use, experienced teams, and loyal partners. The result is an unprecedented off-the-shelf solution to speed up your business.


  • Pre Sale (6PM UTC 16th April - 30th April 2018)
  • Triggmine tokens distribution cap: 30 000 000 Triggmine tokens (3 000 ETH)
  • Cryptocurrency accepted: ETH
  • The token’s price: 1000 TRG = 0.1 ETH
  • The minimum purchase amount: 0.1 ETH
  • Amount of tokens per one person: unlimited
  • Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH
  • Maximum transaction amount: unlimited
  • Public Sale (6PM UTC 11th June - 11th July 2018)
  • Triggmine tokens distribution cap: 150 000 000 Triggmine tokens (15 000 ETH)
  • Currency accepted: ETH, BTC
  • Amount of tokens per one person: limited
  • Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH
  • Minimum transaction amount in Bitcoin: 100 Triggmine tokens
  • Maximum transaction amount: limited

For more information:

Website: https://www.triggmine.io/

WHITEPAPER: https://docs.triggmine.io/Whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Triggmine/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/triggmine

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/TriggmineTokenSale

Author: tinhkhuat

ETH: 0xe4992c92072435470746e28d274f67f34047986f

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1885373

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