What is QUIFAS  Project?

What is QUIFAS  Project?


What is QUIFAS ?

Quifas is a protected imaginative digital currency trade worked for the general population. It is easy to use, profoundly adaptable, ultra-quick and outstanding client benefit.

The high instability of the cryptomarket enables financial specialists and merchants to draw gigantic benefits. This pulls in a steady stream of new "players". Thus, the quantity of clients on cryptographic money trades is continually expanding. Other than that, new cryptoassets are developing all the time. Since the presentation of the blockchain, their development has turned out to be exponential.

Because of increment in exchanging request, numerous digital money trades are not equipped for taking care of the expanding volume, particularly amid crest times. Others are losing their focused edge in light of changing economic situations.

Adaptability troubles.

  • Poor security from programmers.
  • In the meantime, cryptoinvestors and brokers endure. The fundamental issues that they confront are: 
  • Troubles with enrolling on trades. 
  • Low quality and administration speeds. 
  • Constrained liquidity.

Unraveling these issues is the essential assignment of the new Quifas digital money trade. We are building up a quality arrangement that considers 2.5 million exchanges for every second. There are no enrollment impediments on the Quifas trade. All client inquiries will be tackled as quick as could reasonably be expected and in a dialect agreeable to clients.also, Quifas administers to the security of its clients and is taking the majority of the vital measures keeping in mind the end goal to ensure their assets. Our authorities will screen the framework, root out, and counteract hacks on our trade. For expanded accommodation, we are making portable applications for iOS and Android gadgets. 

They will enable digital money merchants to pick up benefits paying little heed to their present area. 

Market Outline 

Market capitalization 

The cryptomarket is creating at a quick pace. Its capitalization amid 2017 developed by more than 30 times, and towards the finish of January 2018, it was over $500B. The diagram beneath (Fig. 1) outlines the development in cryptocurrencies showcase capitalization for as long as five years. 

Other than this, new cryptocurrencies, or tokens, are showing up on a close consistent schedule. There's now more than 1500 of them. Also, their amount will keep on growing later on, since an expanding measure of undertakings are utilizing ICO's as a method for obtaining financing. The cryptomarket capitalization will increment nearby ICO prominence. The market capitalization of numerous cryptoassets is as of now in the billions. In the meantime, a thousand overlap return for capital invested following an ICO or the making of another cryptographic money is a significant basic event. 

Token SALE

  • Zero fee for trading

Zero Trading Fee for all Purchases with QFS Tokens For Life

Token holders will have the capacity to utilize Quifas token (QFS) to purchase other crypto resource, for example, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, and so forth on the Quifas trade with ZERO TRADING FEES FOR LIFE.

  • Exchanging Discounts for Non-QFS Token Transactions

Token holders will have the capacity to pay exchanging expenses for non-QFS token buys at an extraordinary markdown if charges are paid utilizing QFS Tokens.This ought to regularly pull in a 0.1% Fee however in the event that the broker chose to pay the charges utilizing QFS tokens they will get a 60% rebate off the 0.1% Fee in Year 1. In this manner paying 40% of the 0.1% Fee and sparing 60%.

  • Choice of New Coins To Be Listed

Our Platform is centered around serving the general population's needs, in this manner QFS Token holders will have a say on which coins get recorded on the trade. For instance, each first day of the month,users will be requested their sentiments on rundown of coins they need to get recorded on the exchange.Recommendations will be considered on the determination of coins to be recorded on the trade.

Beneficiary Token

Zero Trading Fee - Token holders can use Quifas token (QFS) to purchase other crypto assets on Quifas Exchange without trade fees.

Discount Trade Fees - Holders of QFS tokens have the right to cancel trading fees on the Exchange.

New Coin List - Our exchange is designed to meet the needs of the community, so the owner of the QFS token will be notified where the coins are listed on the stock exchange.

Market overview

market capitalization

The crypto market is fast. Capitalization in 2017 was developed more than 30 times, and by the end of January 2018 it cost more than $ 500 billion. The diagram below (Figure 1) describes the major capitalization development of cryptocurrency for up to five years.

In addition, cryptocurrencies or new tokens appear in tight schedules. Now there are more than 1500 of them. In addition, their numbers will continue to increase later as more companies use ICO as a method of financing. Cryptomarketic capitalization will increase the benefits of nearby ICO. The market capitalization of many cryptoes is currently in the billions. Meanwhile, the result of overlapping of capital invested after ICO or other cryptographic money production is a significant underlying event.

Exchange volume

The level of traders and trading duties associated with the sale and purchase of crypto assets develops every day. Peak exchange volumes are generally achieved either in unlimited increase or decreased cryptoasset costs. Under such conditions, the pile of digital money will be greatly expanded. Significantly, the normal daily charge of the exchange rate is just beyond the $ 20B check. In addition to the development of ICO celebrities, market capitalization will increase. The market capitalization of many crypto values ​​is now billions.

Meet our team

  1. Florian Boci - Managing Director
  2. Affirmative Law - COO
  3. Akinbiyi Akindoyin, PhD - CTO
  4. Warun Bubna, MBA - CMO

For more information and joining Quifas social media at this time please follow some of these Links:

Website       : https://www.quifas.com/

WhitePaper    : https://www.quifas.com/static/ver110/pages/whitepaper/en.pdf

Ann Tread     : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2984649

Bounty Tread  : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2984657.msg30678945#msg30678945

Telegram      : https://t.me/Quifas

Facebook      : https://fb.me/QuifasExchange

Twitter        : https://twitter.com/QuifasExchange

Medium       : https://medium.com/@quifasexchange

Author: tinhkhuat

ETH: 0xe4992c92072435470746e28d274f67f34047986f

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