What is Fanfare Project?

What is Fanfare Project?


What is Fanfare Project?

Fanfare is a community-based two-sided platform for creating, curating and converting consumer-generated videos into instant Shoppable Videos for brands, Fanfare is purpose-built from ground up to enable Social Commerce. Its building blocks are conceived and created specifically with Social Commerce and Shoppable Videos in mind from the start. The features and functionalities have been well-thought out and designed precisely to help brands and consumers connect more intimately, by facilitating an integrated two-way Brand-Consumer engagement, so that brands can expand their relationships with their consumers to maintain trust, familiarity, and positivity.  

A community-based two-sided platform for creating, curating and converting consumer-generated videos into instant Shoppable Videos for brands, Fanfare is purpose-built from ground up to enable Social Commerce. Its building blocks are conceived and created specifically with Social Commerce and Shoppable Videos in mind from the start. The features and functionalities have been well-thought out and designed precisely to help brands and consumers connect more intimately, by facilitating an integrated two-way Brand-Consumer engagement, so that brands can expand their relationships with their consumers to maintain trust, familiarity, and positivity. Fanfare’s unique feature is enabling a brand to convert any Consumer-Generated Video into a Shoppable Video with ease. Users can also easily post and share videos on Fanfare like on any social media platform. The added incentive is that brands can now accurately and cost-effectively add a BUY Button to any of these consumer-generated videos on Fanfare, converting them into instant Shoppable Videos. The advantages are that the content creator will get rewarded and the brands can harness the power of Consumer-Generated Videos to build their image, promote their products and drive immediate sales, or for lead generation, while at the same time, creating their own library of viral consumer-generated videos aggregated within their own channel.

How does Fanfare Work?

The FanFare ecosystem will encompass the following features as means to solving the brand-consumer relationship that is fragmented and lacks interconnectivity.

  • FanFare tokens (FAN)- the FAN tokens go into use as a reward mechanism for content creators who earn through the shoppable videos
  • Brands- consumers brands looking to utilize the ecosystem will need to purchase FAN tokens, from where they can add products to the user-generated videos
  • Viewers- content consumers get to shop on the FanFare e-store, access the brands' websites and campaigns
  • FanFare e-store- brands will provide for their products on the platform's e-store, with the purchases in the form of FAN tokens

Fanfare token solution:

The Fanfare App (comprising of the User App and the Brand App) is at the center of this ecosystem, including all key Social Commerce stakeholders. In both the apps will be the Fanfare Wallet, which is used to store your FAN Tokens. The wallet will be used for all transactions within our ecosystem, such as receiving tokens via having a video verified, having a BUY button added to a video, etc. It will also be used for the purchasing of discounted products from the Fanfare eStore.

  • Brands are able to view all the user-generated videos uploaded onto the Fanfare platform using the Brand App.
  • When an interesting video has been uploaded, a brand can choose to add the video into its brand channel by verifying the video. The fee to verify a video is 200 FAN Tokens.
  • 50% of this fee is taken by the platform as commission and 50% will be given as a reward to the video creator.
  • Brands can choose to convert any user video into a shoppable video by adding a BUY button (for a product) to it. Each video in the Fanfare platform can hold up to four products. They can be products from a single brand or multiple different brands.
  • Each product added would stay on the video for up to seven days, after which it will be removed automatically.
  • The process of adding this BUY button is done using a bidding system. The minimum fee payable to bid for a product slot is 400 FAN Tokens.
  • Brands can choose to pay any fee above 400 FAN Tokens to get a slot if there is any available.
  • In the event that two or more products have the same lowest bid price, the older product will be replaced.

Fanfare Benefits:

  • Incentives- perhaps the number one gain with FanFare is the platform's ability to incentivize content sharing through converting the user content into shoppable videos
  • Attractive discounts- consumers get to purchase brand products from the FanFare eStore stand to benefit from the additional price and commodity discounts
  • Rewards for content creators with high-quality creations and users who buy products from the eStore using the FAN tokens.
  • Security of the content sharing process as smart contracts enable an efficient and transparent verification process.
  • Less costly for brands looking for alternative options for advertising and reaching out to their possible customers.


Vincent Lim Co-Founder & CEO

Michael Chua Co-Founder & CMO

Benny Phang Co-Founder & CSO

Gerald Tan Co-Founder & CIO

Kenneth Ng Co-Founder & CTO

Shaun Ang Head of UI/UX

Dong Le Senior Engineer 


Token Sales Detail:

The FAN tokens are created to act as the platform’s currency.

Content creators are rewarded with these tokens when they upload a new video and it is verified by the brand.

They are also rewarded when the brand adds products to their videos.

Users who watch these shoppable videos are also rewarded with tokens.

There will also a Fanfare eStore where these coins can be used to make purchases.

A total of 2 billion tokens will be produced, with 54.75% of them to be sold.

Token: FAN

Price: 1 FAN = 0.0001 ETH

Bonus: Available

Bounty: Available

MVP/Prototype: Available

Platform: Ethereum

Accepting: ETH

Minimum investment: 0.1 ETH

Soft cap: 4,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 40,000,000 USD

Country: Singapore

Whitelist/KYC: KYC & Whitelist

Restricted areas: USA, China, North Korea, Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Serbia, Sri Lanka, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Vanuatu, Yemen

For more information:

Website: https://tokensale.fanfare.global/

Whitepaper: https://tokensale.fanfare.global/files/Fanfare_Whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/FanfareICO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FanFare_Global

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fanfareglobal

Author: tinhkhuat

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1885373

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