What a fan of blockchain has to do in Switzerland, and how not to get lost in the vastness of the international crypto conference

What a fan of blockchain has to do in Switzerland, and how not to get lost in the vastness of the international crypto conference

How we make ICO

How do you comprise in one room dozens of crypto industry leaders, innovators, and experts in one day? It's easy and simple: you create an awesome conference in the world financial center of Switzerland, and now, you are on top. The leading international community of start-ups and investors, InnMind, KICKICO crowdfunding platform,along with Crypto Valley followed this way. So what occurred? And why this is such an important event? Dive deeper below.

As you already know, on March 9th in Zurich the international Blockchain Summit Leadership was held, with FLOGmall welcomed as an honored guest. If you missed this just scroll up and witness for yourself the post filled with our creators happy faces.

Although this time we were just honorable listeners, the charm of our project intrigued a couple dozen crypto enthusiast. Secretly and strictly between us: Prince of Liechtenstein Michael became interested in our second project on the basis of the blockchain that is called  real.help. Spoiler: the prince expressed great interest to it and promised to consider it in the near future. Do you hear, hear this sound? These are our faces crackling with smiles of enjoyment.

In Zurich, a huge number of speakers were present and ready to reveal to their listeners the most secret areas of the crypto industry. They discussed a lot and exchanged experiences with ecstasy. They considered the socio-economic prospects of Blockchain technologies, disassembled the whole range of benefits of investing in projects based on Blockchain, all this was made up by seminars from PwC Legal and PolySwarm, ByteBall, NiceHash workshops.

Let’s stop talking about ourselves and change the topic of discussion. Let's talk in general as to why it is useful to visit such kind of conference, and how it may influence on the future. Visiting  summits you can come across a large number of ICO-projects, various funds, political and public figures interested in the blockchain field and just some crypto-enthusiasts ready to share with you all the joys and pains that the crypto industry has. And this is not only a friendly shoulder in a difficult moment and the exchange of opinions and news from the fields, but also the opportunities for a profitable collaboration at moments of creative inspiration.

Advantageous cooperation is another whale, which holds the idea of international conferences in any of the business sectors created by man. That is, everything does not end solely with the search for investors. What did you think?

Soon, FLOGmall is preparing to enter the arena of the next summit as a speaker, take part in many panel discussions and share its vision of the problems and the current situation as a whole in the sphere of blockchain. When will this happen? Follow our news, and very soon you will know it first!

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