We Still Kill The Old Way Movie Download Hd

We Still Kill The Old Way Movie Download Hd


We Still Kill The Old Way Movie Download Hd


When retired East End villain Charlie Archer is murdered by a feral street gang, his brother Ritchie returns to London from Spain to investigate.
I was genuinely surprised by how good this was - it&#39;s a South London gangland film and it was well made, entertaining and Danny Dyer wasn&#39;t in it but his daughter is and she is interestingly enough called Dani Dyer! (Couldn&#39;t make it up could you). Well Ian Ogilvy, Richie, of &#39;The Return of the Saint&#39; fame is retired to the Costa del Crime and is awaiting his big brother to come over for a Birthday bash. Meanwhile back in Blighty his bro Charlie (Steven Berkoff) interrupts a gang who are sexually assaulting a young girl Lauren (Dani Dyer) - instead of acting like men they brutally murder him.<br/><br/>The Feds (that is police to non gang types) are about as much use as a pork pie at a bar mitzvah and so Richie gets his chopper out - sorry helicopter - and comes home back to his old Manor - where everyone used to be proper crooks and love their mums - that was back in the day. Now they are all &#39;blud&#39; and &#39;innit&#39; and have to walk with a pimp stroll and a permanent hood on their heads like a failed monk. There he assembles the old firm - who are a coterie of crime acting regulars- and they go all out for some righteous retribution.<br/><br/>Now there are some issues with this film, police procedure is a joke, a few plot holes, as many coincidences as Dickens packed into &#39;Oliver Twist&#39; and an ending that requires a bit of a stretch to actually believe. That said I still ruddy enjoyed it, veteran James Cosmo as the loud mouthed Arthur was brilliant and Ian Ogilvy showed what a bit of old school talent can bring to the screen. This is a guilty pleasure and I wish the makers all the best - it is nice seeing veteran actors getting a fair crack at a fun role. If you want a bit of semi - mindless fun and don&#39;t mind a bit of sawn off shotgun justice then this is for you or puckkah as they say.
To be fair, I wasn&#39;t expecting much from this film. I went into it expecting to see some pretty brutal torture/killing scenes and a bit of banter. As far as I am concerned, there wasn&#39;t enough of the first, and a little too much of the second.<br/><br/>The very opening of the film is designed to show the contrast between the two main protagonists: the villain, and the hero (former villain who has turned over a new leaf). It quickly makes you HATE the villain, and although he seems almost a caricature of a London gangster youth, he is still somehow believable. It also quickly introduces the idea of a couple of love interests (useless side plots in my opinion), and it also shows that we are meant to like the hero, even though he is a former gangster who has killed, beaten, tortured people, bribed the police, and was compared to the Cray twins. <br/><br/>The message of &quot;back in our day crime had honour, and the kids these days have no respect&quot; gets rammed down our throats pretty heavily throughout the film. One minute one of the old school gangsters is nailing someone to a chair, then the next &quot;oh I don&#39;t shoot people sitting down, let alone tied up, but it is okay to nail them to chairs and drill their legs until they die&quot;. It was just a little bit silly.<br/><br/>At every given opportunity a reference is made to them being old and not knowing about technology, the internet, and just generally being top gents (even though they are killers, torturers and such). It just got old really fast (pun intended).<br/><br/>The ending was entirely rushed, and entirely stupid. Main old guy has a heart attack and so they decide to lure the gang to the hospital. I mean I get the youth of today are idiots, and upload their entire lives onto the internet, but to take guns into a hospital in London is just OTT. And then there is just a stupid shoot out, and when the villain gets the old guys to drop their guns and come out, he does a James-Bond-Villain and taunts them until the police arrive to dispatch him. Should have killed them all.<br/><br/>In conclusion, I wouldn&#39;t waste your time, although the torture scene there was, was pretty cool. It was nice seeing the smug looks wiped off the faces of Mav and the other one. I give this film a 3/10. I won&#39;t watch it again, but if you really have nothing better to do, and don&#39;t want to play Starcraft, then you might get a giggle out of this.


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