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A filmmaker introduces us to the subject of his documentary—the beautiful Jacqueline Dumont, a young Frenchwoman who claims to have uncovered a covert assassination conspiracy. While unsure of the eccentric Jacqueline’s veracity, the filmmaker nonetheless enlists a couple of interns and heads to the holistic retreat in Argentina where she’s hiding out, to explore her claims and film her story. Upon arrival, the filmmaker begins to doubt the worthwhileness of his venture, but finds reasons to hope that he might actually be capturing something big, something real, with his increasingly makeshift film.A low-level French intelligence operative hiding in Argentina offers a sensational scoop to a struggling American filmmaker in “Jacqueline (Argentine),” a feature debut from animator Bernardo Britto that gets points for originality but quickly succumbs to terminal self-amusement.,,She also fears that her life is in danger and has secreted herself away in Argentina in unofficial political exile.,Some of “Jacqueline (Argentine)” feels like it was written on the spot. A detour with an Argentinian DVD aficionado is hilarious, if a bit oft-piste, but there’s also a tedious rambling quality.,,A young French woman hires a man to document her self-imposed political asylum in Argentina after supposedly leaking highly confidential government information.,Jacqueline (Argentine) is at its most bearable when it allows itself to be sidetracked by asides, with some of the colorful Argentinean locals offering some minor chuckles.,A filmmaker (Wyatt Cenac, "The Daily Show") receives a series of panicked emails and phone calls from a young French woman named Jacqueline Dumont (Camille…,Jacqueline (Argentine). Additional Links. On Demand.,Jacqueline (Argentine) IFFRJacqueline wants to divulge a major government conspiracy, but the media won’t take the bait. Paranoia and boredom alternate while she waits for the media storm in voluntary exile in Argentina, where a naive documentary crew follows her.

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