War For The Planet Of The Apes Full Movie Online Free

War For The Planet Of The Apes Full Movie Online Free


War For The Planet Of The Apes Full Movie Online Free


After being constantly attacked by the humans, despite asking for peace, Caesar and the Apes decide to find a new home safe from the humans. But after the tragic deaths of the most recent attack form the humans, Caeser embarks on a mission to kill the ruthless human Colonel.
After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind.
With a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 94%, I&#39;m sure I&#39;ll be in minority, but seeing this movie is mostly like watching ape-fur dry.<br/><br/>While ostensibly the third film in the prequel series, it&#39;s essentially a remake of the original Muricans vs Commies version of Red Dawn – with a bit of The Great Escape tossed in. And, a bit of Apolypse Now, but more on that later.<br/><br/>The movie is good but not great, and often drags on interminably. This is especially true in the first act, which features mostly apes, because … apes … talk … very … slowly. The movie picks up when the apes start interacting with the humans, if only because the humans talk a bit faster. <br/><br/>Most of the second act is set at a combo fortress / detention camp. Which – even though they&#39;re preparing for a major attack – has the world&#39;s worst security. People and apes regularly walk in and out of the camp with no one noticing.<br/><br/>While the movie tries to maintain an air of gravitas – after all, we&#39;re talking about the survival of the human race here – some of movie is downright hokey, such as the flower-behind-the-ear bit or the whole &quot;Bad Ape&quot; character. (He&#39;s kind of the Apes&#39; version of Jar Jar Binks.)<br/><br/>For all practical purposes, the movie features only two and a half human characters: Woody Harrelson plays Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, uh, I mean, &quot;The Colonel,&quot; and as always is excellent. Amiah Miller is luminous as Nova, the young girl adopted by the apes, while Gabriel Chavarria has an expanded cameo as a soldier named Preacher. <br/><br/>The ape characters are more challenging as they, with a few exception, all look alike. And, while the motion-capture and CGI folks have done an amazing job with the apes&#39; faces, their bodies still need some work. Top-billed Andy Serkis deserves an Academy Award for this performance as well as his body of work to date, and Karin Konoval is note- worthy as Maurice. <br/><br/>Much of the movie was filmed in British Columbia, and the scenery is spectacular. <br/><br/>This is a slow summer for movies, and this one is better than most of the current releases. See it now if you liked the first two, or if you want to spend two hours out of the heat.
This movie reminds me of really bad fantasy B-movies from the 80s and 90s – you know when the mere fact that the movie had fantastical elements made you watch it no matter how bad it was? Those movies had paper thin plots with a lot of moronic plot holes, badly written dialog and almost no action because that was expensive to shoot. They had some limited special effects, were shot in the wilderness with a limited cast and one or two scenes with a lot of extras that they splashed most of their cash on. Everything about this movie is like that except off course it&#39;s not cheap and the effects are superb. Odd that it turned out this way since the other two movies in the series are legitimately good. I could have enjoyed this for what it was it if had any business being this bad, but it really hasn&#39;t. And besides: fantasy and sci-fi movies are made a lot more frequently and at a much better quality today. We can afford to be a bit more picky than we were 20 years ago.
The psychological wars that have made the prequels simmer with tightly wound tensions are given their most cutting treatment yet.

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