Walker Texas Ranger Full Movie In Hindi 720p

Walker Texas Ranger Full Movie In Hindi 720p


Walker, Texas Ranger Full Movie In Hindi 720p


Walker, a Texas ranger, believes in dealing with the bad guys the old fashioned way, by fighting them. He also works on instincts. Trivette is his partner. He was a former player for the Dallas Cowboys football team. Trivette uses the modern approach to crime solving, such as computers and cellular phones. C.D Parker owns a bar and grill which specializes in Western cuisine, and Country-Western themes. He gives Walker advice on some cases. Alex Cahill is the assistant district attorney.
Walker, a martial artist, and his partner Trivette are Texas Rangers. They make it their business to battle crime in Dallas and all around the State of Texas.
Chuck Norris being the star of this show is enough reason not to watch it! He is one of the very worst actors ever, along with David "I talk to my watch!" Hasselhoff of Knight Rider fame and the likes of Jean Claude Van-Damme and the really bad Steven "Girly voice" Segal! I watched (why I do not know!) a few episodes of Walker Texas Ranger for a laugh and could not believe how bad it was, even by Chuck Norris standards! He acted in it, produced it and sang the title song so it was doomed from the start! I don't care what anyone says-this is a very very bad show indeed and should be avoided at all costs!
I have never seen something such stupid as this. Chuck Norris is so good guy, that he seems to be plastic. You could feel sick after seeing this! I hope to never meet somebody like he in his role in real life.

(First Verse) In the Eyes of a Ranger, the unsuspecting stranger<br/><br/>Had better know the truth of wrong from right.<br/><br/>&#39;Cause the rule of law and order starts at the Texas border,<br/><br/>With the Lone Star of the Ranger shining bright.<br/><br/><br/><br/>(Chorus) For the Eyes of a Ranger are upon you;<br/><br/>Any wrong you do, he&#39;s gonna see.<br/><br/>When you&#39;re in Texas, look behind you,<br/><br/>And that&#39;s where the Ranger&#39;s gonna be.<br/><br/><br/><br/>(Second Verse) In the Heart of a Ranger, he&#39;ll never know the danger<br/><br/>Of desperate men with nothing left to lose.<br/><br/>The Ranger keeps on coming; so there ain&#39;t no sense in running,<br/><br/>&#39;Cause he&#39;s bound and sure to make you pay your dues.<br/><br/>(Repeat Chorus)<br/><br/><br/><br/>(Third Verse) When a Ranger&#39;s on your trail, he won&#39;t know how to fail<br/><br/>And you can&#39;t buy him off at any price.<br/><br/>So if you decide to ramble, and with your life you&#39;d gamble,<br/><br/>Know where you are before you roll the dice.<br/><br/>(Repeat Chorus)<br/><br/><br/><br/>If you see him coming &#39;round the outskirts of town,<br/><br/>Never take that Ranger for a ride.<br/><br/>(Repeat Chorus) a5c7b9f00b

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