Vr Reality Sex

Vr Reality Sex


The gear and the sites you need for the best experience.
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Here is a handy guide to get you started with VR porn. Credit: mashable/ bob al-green
The promise of virtual reality (VR) porn, to transform users from passive observers of sexual fantasies on screens into active participants in immersive erotic experiences, is alluring to anyone with even a passing interest in adult content.
Over the last year especially, as the pandemic has kept most of us homebound, the prospect of strapping on a headset and sliding into an orgiastic escape from our isolation and frustration has drawn even more potential users towards the technology. Yet many hesitate to take the plunge into the world of virtual reality porn simply because it's a new technology, dominated by new players, using new terminology. It can seem like a lot to learn.
And when VR porn first started rolling out in the mid-2010s, it absolutely was. For many years, the gear was extremely expensive, content was scarce, and experiences were hit-or-miss. But VR technology has evolved quickly and the porn world has pumped a ton of time and money into making its content more reliable and accessible. "Exploring VR porn is much easier today than it was one or two years ago," stresses sex tech blogger Tatyannah King.
So how exactly do you watch VR porn? Mashable recently spoke to King and other experts on virtual reality porn for this guide on getting into the exciting, if still developing, world of immersive smut.
In theory, you don’t actually need to buy any heavy-duty new equipment to watch VR content. All you need is a smartphone suspended in a headset that you can strap onto your to create an immersive, 3D illusion. It’s not hard to build a cardboard headset. Even fancier setups, with comfortable padding and straps, usually go for somewhere between $10 and $50. These headsets helped to democratize and popularize VR.
But Alex Novak of the VR porn platform SexLikeReal cautions that "no smartphone experience is any good." Kacper Zieliński of the VR porn site VR Bangers concurs, adding that these options may be budget-friendly, but they will really "give you only 20 percent of VR porn’s potential."
Most phones just don’t have the power, or the battery life, to run the the longest or most inventive VR content. It's also hard to control anything playing on them; to pause, fast forward, or do anything you usually have to take off the whole rig, grab your phone, and fiddle with the screen. You also have to install special apps to view VR content—and Apple especially is notoriously hostile to porn-specific apps, meaning that sometimes phone users have to jump through a few hoops to get to the content they’re looking for. These and other limitations have led most major companies, like Google, Oculus, and Samsung, to wind down production and support for their phone VR gear and services over the last year or two, and outlets like PC Mag to declare phone-based VR overall "effectively dead."
You need a dedicated VR device. High-end devices, with a lot of bells and whistles, can run well over $1,000, and often need to be hooked up to even pricier high-powered PCs to reach their full potential. But you don’t have to have one of those setups to get the most out of VR porn. In fact, everyone Mashable spoke to for this article immediately and exclusively recommended the new Oculus Quest 2, a standalone, wireless device that runs for $299. It’s a simple, plug-and-play system—just turn it on, open up its web browser using its included hand controllers, navigate to a porn site, and start viewing content. Easy peasy. "It can play the highest resolution videos there are," explains Dan Holmes of the VR platform POVR.
The Oculus Quest 2 VR headset. Credit: oculus
The only hitch is that Oculus is a Facebook brand, so a Quest 2 requires a Facebook account to sign in and get going. Facebook is a controversial company these days, with a spotty record around data handling, so you may want to create a burner account before getting off. But if Oculus is not your brand, Zieliński notes that there are plenty of other wireless standalone rigs to explore.
Dropping a few hundred dollars may seem like an excessive investment to get into VR porn. But Novak insists that it’s worth it, because you want your first VR porn experience to be good, and cheaper setups just cannot run the highest resolution videos that now define the market, and may struggle with lagging and glitches even with older content. It’s also a multi-purpose device that can be used for viewing SFW content, gaming, and many other diversions. Zieliński just recommends using a demo to figure out if you're prone to VR motion sickness, and if your nausea can be mitigated, before making a purchase.
Once you’ve got your device set up, you just need to figure out whether you want to stream or download your smut. The files for VR porn are massive, often clocking in at well over 10GB, and so downloads require patience and a ton of storage space. You may want to invest in an external storage drive if you go this route. But unless you have a stellar internet connection, which most Americans do not, streaming can lead to a rougher viewing experience, with skips and lags. Many experts argue that the VR porn experience with downloaded files is far smoother and therefore more immersive. But this choice ultimately boils down to an evaluation of your desires, tolerance for glitches, and internet resources.
Before you start exploring VR porn content, Kevin Campbell, a VR arcade owner and porn buff, recommends making sure you have a good space set up for the experience. In order to stay in the moment in VR porn, especially if you’ve opted for a popular POV experience, you may have to move around to follow the action of a scene. As you'll be zoned out from the real world in most cases, you will need a space where you won’t crash into anything dangerous or fragile. You'll also want to make sure you’ve got a door you can lock, if privacy is a concern.
If you feel so inclined, you can also explore the world of VR experience-integrated sex toys. But that's hardly essential to the experience, and the field would require its own guide to navigate. So, once you’ve got your setup fully prepared, you just have to figure out what you’re going to watch. The obvious choice would be to turn to Pornhub, which has over 3,000 free VR clips to explore. But thanks to the size and bandwidth intensity of VR files, free clips on general porn sites tend to be shorter (about 100 of Pornhub’s VR porn videos are over 15 minutes long; the vast majority run around 5 minutes) and heavily compressed, limiting their quality. As such, most of the VR porn experts Mashable spoke to recommend turning to a paid, VR porn specialty studio.
There are dozens of studios to choose from, most of which sell subscriptions for $10 to $50 per month, so figuring out where to start can be tricky—and making a decision can feel like a big step. But this decision, too, boils down to personal preferences: Do you want a site that specializes in only the highest quality content? Do you want a particularly deep and broad, but maybe uneven, library of content to choose from? Are you looking for a studio that specializes in one particular fetish you’ve been dying to see in VR? Other outlets have created intricately detailed guides, breaking down the pros and cons of the best and most established sites on the market right now. Between those guides and a little time spent looking at their preview content, you can find what’s best for your wants and needs.
"Once you’ve got the right setup," Novak says, "you are on top of it." Granted, depending on the exact nature of your device, the site you’ve opted for, and your personal preferences, you may need to fiddle around with your video settings a bit. (Most sites automatically adjust their content to work best with a viewer’s gear these days, Campbell notes. But when they don’t, he suggests starting with the settings “VR 180 / 3D Side-to-Side.”)
"It may take a little patience to learn to properly view—and navigate through—videos," Campbell cautions. As with any new device, there’s a learning curve. And in the end, it’s entirely possible VR porn as it stands today may not be for you. But that’s no reason to despair over the time and energy you’ve spent getting into VR porn.
As Campbell points out, the world of VR porn is rapidly evolving. So, as long as you’ve got the equipment, you can keep checking back every now and then to see if future innovations work better for your wants and needs. As Campbell says, “VR porn is only going to improve.”
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At A Glance: Our Quick Top 5 Picks for Virtual Reality Sex Toys
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People get frustrated when they begin shopping for a new sex toy, but what many of them don’t realize is that our forefathers used to go through hell for an orgasm. Having paved the way for us through the trials and tribulations of dangerous sex and masturbation, our ancestors made it easier than ever to bust a nut as quickly and as often as humanly possible. It didn’t always work that way though.
Thanks to advancements in technology and the eventual abduction of those technologies by the “mischievous” sex toy industry, today’s man (and woman) can now create (or recreate) their wettest and wildest sexual fantasies right from the comfort of their own home. The magic is performed through virtual reality, or VR, and it’s coming quick to a bedroom near you.
VR may seem intimidating to some people, but it’s just an acronym that stands for “virtual reality.” Sex toys with VR capabilities are generally referred to as interactive masturbation devices, although the term “interactive” suggests that all virtual reality devices are appropriate for couples. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. A handful of VR compatible toys are designed for solo stimulation only, so it’s important to be careful when you go shopping for one. As for male-focused products, all you need to know is that they concentrate their efforts primarily on the penis.
Furthermore, most high-tech VR sex toys for men include real-time programming and specialized textures, orifices or detailing to increase the amount of precision stimulation sent to the penis. These robotic and often automatic devices are usually made to quickly and easily hook up to an online porn video platform via Bluetooth and 3D imaging equipment like glasses or goggles. High-definition images and sounds are then delivered to the wearer’s perception, while compatible components work in unison to create a hyper-realistic experience that mimics sex and/or masturbation with a live human partner.
Your list of VR sex toy options is probably a lot longer than you initially anticipated because the category has experienced tremendous growth since its introduction to the pleasure product market just a few years back. Technologies and manufacturing methods have changed over the years for all products, everybody knows that, yet our marital aids and accessories have been getting the hook-up in countless ways and men everywhere are very thankful for it.
Having said that, these are the top 5 most common features you can expect to find on a modern-day VR sex toy for men:
Bluetooth is an easy to use technology created to link one or more devices with one another for direct interactions. Apps for movies, music and networking often use this tech-savvy system to transmit information in real-time. Most VR compatible pleasure products utilize Bluetooth (or BT) because of its wireless capabilities and user-friendly applications.
Motion sensing technology is extremely handy when it comes to making virtual reality sex toys. Motion-sensitive components allow users to experience the movements of a partner and/or performer as it happens, thereby drastically increasing the realism of their masturbation experience and creating a seamless integration between compatible devices.
Life-like experiences usually call for a quick and intuitive manipulation of the device’s controls – something that a wired remote just can’t deliver. Instead, most VR sex toys for men are fitted with built-in and/or wireless control systems. This not only makes customization easier but it also enhances the realism of a virtual scene.
What’s virtual reality in your line of sight when the sensations you’re feeling on your body don’t match up? It’s worthless, that’s what. Good VR sex toys for men always feature specialized masturbations sleeve textures, some of which are molded to look and feel exactly like real people’s privates (including your favorite partner and/or a variety of famous porn stars).
If you know anything about virtual reality then you know that it has to be used with high-resolution video and audio programming to work properly. Most manufacturers understand this, meaning their toys are linked up with high-density porn content libraries and accessible to anyone who purchases the right device or membership. The content, which generally includes a variety of X-rated 2D and 3D movies, clips, webcam sessions and games, is designed to enhance the quality of the experience and provide inspiration for all kinds of sex toy use.
There are a few other features that you’ll find frequently on VR compatible pleasure products, but these features are also present on many non-VR compatible devices so they didn’t make it onto the top five list above. For a more comprehensive view of your options, look for additional things like:
Determine how loose or tight the inside of your masturbation canal feels by simply squeezing or releasing a pressure pad on the outside of the device.
Visuals and motion sensing technologies are further enhanced by integrated vibrating motors which jiggle the cock and balls at varying speeds and intensity levels.
Enjoy a fully customized experience with a relatively rare component which allows the linked device to function at the same tempo as your favorite tunes via Bluetooth.
When paired with other technologies pre-programmed and/or automatic stroke settings can instantly change the game by supporting hands-free fun.
Masturbation sessions are dramatically improved by the presence of realistic, fleshy materials that are made out of skin-safe ingredients.
To determine whether a male-based VR sex toy has the features that you and/or your partner truly need, it’s important to look closely at the product as a whole, taking into consideration the pros and cons of owning it in the meaning. Interestingly, there are still a few drawbacks associated with virtual reality use due to its relative newness.
VR as a whole is not on trial here but using virtual reality sex toys requires a slight amount of skill and knowledge to prevent accident or injury. Knowledgeable people always have the most enjoyable sessions, by the way. In other words, here are the things you need to think about before stepping your sex toy game up to the virtual level:
There’s a lot to consider before you spend money on a high-tech sex toy. Make a more informed decision by carefully examining how each of the pros and cons affect your love life. For some people, a toy that’s incompatible with other devices is no big deal. For others, it’s a deal breaker. Basically, try to understand that there’s no such thing as a perfect pleasure product but that there IS a perfect one for you.
With so many options out there, it can seem impossible to track down the right one. Here are the things you need to know or find out about yourself and/or your partner before using a virtual reality device:
The type of sex toy you buy should depend heavily on the kinds of sexual experiences you want to have. Not all VR devices are made to do the same thing, so find out what you’re looking for and then hunt down a machine that’s designed for that specific purpose.
A person’s skin type determines which materials can be used. For example, people with allergies should stay away from latex, but parabens and phthalates are dangerous for everyone. To avoid preventable irritation, make sure the toy’s skin is compatible with yours.
Make sure the lube you use is compatible with the materials on the toy. In general, silicone toys cannot be used with silicone-based lubricants and water-based lubes are considered the safest. Choose wisely and make sure the lube is also gentle on the skin.
VR sex toys for men often require special equipment such virtual reality glasses/goggles, mobile data networks, internet connections, smart devices with Bluetooth, and so on. Get the most bang for your buck by showing up for the party prepared.
Come up with a ballpark figure of what you want to spend, keeping in mind the extra cost of ownership, operation and maintenance. Don’t forget to look for manufacturer’s warranties, discount codes and coupons so you can save a little money on the essentials.
If you have all your ducks in a row before going shopping, then it’s much easier to pinpoint the perfect toy and get it on your dick ASAP. Unfortunately, even guidelines like the ones listed above can’t help everybody. Some men need straight-up recommendations or road maps and that’s okay too. After all, shopping for sex products is always more fun when you’ve got few tricks up your sleeve.
Done getting your informal education on virtual reality love machines? Ready to take a gander at what’s out there? Well, you’re in luck because these devices are considered the top 5 best VR sex toys for men and it’s pretty darn easy to see why:
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