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How do I delete my profile? To delete your profile from the full version of our website: After profile removal, the e-mail and phone number linked to it cannot be used in another profile on the OK website for 3 months. When a profile is deleted, it is not only the personal information that is removed, but also photos, comments, marks, conversations with friends, groups you created, achievements in games and much more. A deleted profile can be restored only within 90 days after its removal and only if your profile contained your phone number. You can learn how to do this here. Note that at the moment, it is not possible to delete your profile using the mobile version of the website or OK application. Was this info helpful? How do I recover my profile if it has been deleted? To recover your profile: Note that a deleted profile can be restored if 90 days have not passed since it was deleted and if a phone number was linked to the profile. Unfortunately, if any of these conditions have not been met, it will be impossible to recover your profile. But if your profile was blocked but not deleted, you can contact the Customer Support Team , and in that case your profile may be recovered. This has been done to avoid spam. Moreover, it is the linked phone number that makes it possible to recover a deleted profile within 3 months. Just wait a little, and then you will be able to indicate the necessary data in a new profile! Please, specify why this answer was not helpful. Contact Customer Support Team. Mobile version Ad API Help License Agreement News Vacancies About the company. In order to tag a person, hover over his photo and press left mouse button Left-click on a photo to tag people in it.

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