Video Game High School Tamil Pdf Download

Video Game High School Tamil Pdf Download


Video Game High School Tamil Pdf Download

The story is about a down on his luck, young aspiring gamer. He has no friends. His cat hates him. His name is Brian. He loves playing video games. One day during a public match the number one gamer the "Law" arrives to do a little bit of showing off. Out of no where Brian manages to kill the "Law". It's like the shot heard around the world. Because of it and all the hype Brian gets invited to Video Game High School. It's about a kid and all the troubles of high school but in a very different way. It's a competitive gaming school. While attending VGHS Brian tries to make it to his dream of playing at the highest level of gaming. Along the way he develops a crush on Jenny Matrix, the JV FPS Captain.
In a futuristic world where video-games are the number one sport and the top players are world-wide celebrities, average gamer BrianD is drafted into Video Games High School after he unwittingly kills "The Law", the #1 player - in a public match stomp gone wrong. The series follows the events of Brian's life inside VGHS as he tries to prove himself worthy, but he's getting no help from his arch-rival, The Law.
I had the misfortune of watching this film and have to say that my life is worse for have suffered this piece of utter rubbish. The premise is ridiculous and the scenes are often grotesquely nonsensical...The cast try but even they seem a little dismayed by the poor tools they've been handed...and let's face it but most of them look old enough to have spawned children that would have been more likely to attend High School than them...most looked the wrong side of 25 for godssake! This is an insult to the art of film-making that seems to be made by several eight year olds that have been given too much money by rich absentee parents with no moral or intellectual grounding. All I can say is save your money, save your time, save your sanity...give this film a miss!
I am 34 and have been gaming for around 25 years now. I am also big into online gaming, and my son is also getting into it. We watched this together and both loved it. My daughter loved it too. <br/><br/>I found this series, hilarious, imaginative, and just really cool, despite being a little unpolished. I can see it becoming super popular for teenagers. I wish more people knew about Video game high school, I had never heard of it until last night. I would really like to see this succeed in a big way.<br/><br/>My only complaint is that sometimes, it starts to feel like a YTV show. At times it feels like the target audience all of a sudden drops in age by like 10 years. At 34 years of age, most of the series I thought was very watchable, but some moments were just too YTV-ish. My son liked the entire thing. However, I think Video Game High school would appeal to more people without the &quot;YTV&quot; moments.<br/><br/>Video game High school is kind of like Harry Potter, but with video games as the theme instead of magic.


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