Victory At Sea Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

Victory At Sea Full Movie Hd 1080p Download


Victory At Sea Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

Twenty-six episode series about naval combat during World War Two. Famous for its music score, eloquent narration and combat footage.
So important was it to get the Pearl Harbor attack before the American public, that the propaganda film makers used U. S. Navy Dauntless (SBD) dive bombers painted with Japanese "meatballs" insignia to appear to be Japanese Zeroes and Zekes dropping bombs on the U. S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor. I feel sure that archival footage now exists of proper Japanese aircraft, but invariably any new Pearl Harbor documentary appearing on the History, Wings channels and others includes this 2-3 second clip of "pushing over into dives" film of these same, readily identifiable SBD Navy aircraft simulating this portion of the attack. I have protested to these networks that such a representation is an affront to the men who flew these planes in combat against Japanese planes and this film clip should be discontinued. I would like to see others add their voice to this protest and notify these networks that they continue a disservice to veterans who flew those planes.
For those too young to remember, this excellent documentary series on World War II was originally broadcast as a weekly television series on the National Broadcasting Company&#39;s television network in 1952. To put that into perspective, that was 66 years ago and only 7 years after the end of the World War II. In addition bear in mind that, at that time, there were no such things as &quot;National Educational Television&quot; or the &quot;Public Broadcasting System&quot;, and commercial television networks simply did not produce programs such as this. Consequently, while there have been many other excellent documentary television series produced since then, &quot;Victory at Sea&quot; can truly be regarded as a landmark in television broadcasting.<br/><br/>Anyone who has never seen this 26-part series has quite an experience in store. Although some of the Japanese sequences were derived from Japanese propaganda films, the majority of the film footage used was photographed in actual combat by combat cameramen, many of whom were subsequently wounded or killed. What you see here is exactly the way it was. <br/><br/>The memorable music score was composed by Richard Rogers who was, at that time, the leading composer of Broadway musicals, both in collaboration with the late Lorenz Hart and, at that time, with Oscar Hammerstein. <br/><br/>Some modern viewers have criticized this series for not being sufficiently even-handed in its&#39; treatment of both sides in the war. however, it must be borne in mind that it was produced only seven years after the end of the conflict and, at that time, people were not inclined to view the war as dispassionately as they are today.


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