Versa laser hpdfo lens

Versa laser hpdfo lens

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This is accomplished through ULS patented HPDFO™ (High Power Density Focusing Optics) that focuses the laser's energy into a much smaller area than is possible with standard lenses. This has applicability across many industries and gives several benefits to the customer: Dramatically Increased Resolution Unusually 7 Jul 2006 The effective spot size produced by HPDFO can be as small as one-quarter the size of the spot produced by a standard 2.0 inch focusing lens. HPDFO is compatible with Universal Laser Systems' VersaLaser, Professional and XL Series laser systems, and retrofit kits are available for some older models. As the demand for finer detailed engraving and cutting increases, Universal Laser Systems has developed the High Power Density Focusing Optics (HPDFO) option. It produces a smaller, focused laser beam “spot” than a standard laser beam delivery, optical system. Depending on the type of material being processed, and VersaLaser HPDFO Lens much more intense laser beam. ADVANTAGE: HPDFO Optics achieves dramatically improved resolution for applications requiring extremely fine detail (small font sizes) or photos. The HPDFO option allows the marking of stainless steel, titanium and cobalt without the need of ceramic coatings. A few months back, Universal Laser Systems (ULS) and EJ agreed that a product review of their VersaLASER VL-300 with emphasis placed on its breakthrough lens technology “High Power Density Focusing Optics” (HPDFO) would be beneficial to EJ readers. This lens allows a 30 watt CO2 laser to actually mark metal! This sheet will cover each lens kit offered by Universal Laser Systems for every laser system made including the correct calibration process for each lenses focus tool. Y How Optics Work. Y HPDFO™. CO (High Power Density-Focusing Optics). ?. 10.6µm. Y 1.5” Lens Kit (. CO )?. 10.6µm. Y 2.0” Lens Kit (. CO )?. 10.6µm. LENS ASSEMBLY 1.5 VERSALASER. 1. $230.00. VL300. 145-0059-0. LENS ASSEMBLY 1.5 VERSALASER. 1. $230.00. VL200. 145-0058-0. LENS ASSEMBLY 2.0 VERSALASER. 1. $230.00. VL300. 145-0058-0. LENS ASSEMBLY 2.0 VERSALASER. 1. $230.00. ULS-10ER / ULS-25ER. 145-0004-0. LENS KIT - 1.5 (E These optics allow the laser beam to be focused to a much smaller spot, producing sharper images at tighter tolerances. It's particularly suited to intricate engraving and direct marking on some metals. HPDFO – High Power Density Focusing Optics (HPDFO) uses a patented method to expand the laser beam within the 27 Jan 2011 Hi All This is for the Universal Laser folks out there. I am considering the HPDFO accesory for my Platform Versa Laser 60 W. I currently use a 1.5 lens and I am looking for a fine point for intricate carvings and small fonts. Most of my work is on wood. Is this worth the price? Those of you who have this option,

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