V Full Movie In Hindi 720p

V Full Movie In Hindi 720p


V Full Movie In Hindi 720p


A year after Liberation Day, courtesy of the red-dust bacteria, the humanoid, lizard-like aliens develop a resistance to the micro-organism and try to regain control of the Earth--only now some humans are knowingly working with them.
This series features the characters from the two mini-series about aliens coming to Earth claiming to be friends but in reality have an ulterior motive. The aliens may have been beaten in the mini-series but there are still a lot of them out there. In this series, Nathan Bates, the industrialist who manufactures the biological weapon that was used to defeat the aliens, wants to get his hands on the aliens' technology, so that he could profit from it, makes a deal with Diana, the alien leader. Rebel leaders, Mike Donovan, Ham Tyler, and Julie Parish know that Diana can't be trusted, so they are constantly trying to figure out what Diana is up to and stop her.
This series had a lot going against it - plot holes the size of meteor craters (why don't the visitors just condition Rev. Turney into giving up the location of the rebel camp?, for instance), some of the cheesiest dialogue heard outside of a Kung Fu movie, special effects that where horrible even in 1984. So how come it captivated me so? It was charming. I felt, when I saw it, that cast & crew alike really had a good time doing this show, and those things rub off. But more important, the series had SCOPE and ORIGINALITY. The creators weren't afraid to take on really heavy topics, and they did it in a way that hasn't been seen before, nor after.
I am a big fan of V The Mini Series and V-The Final Battle. I was a pre-teen when the movies came out and was blown away by the plot as well as the cast. I knew that after V- The Final Battle a series was soon to follow, a movies about lizard people invading earth with sinister plans for us. The movies were too good not to have a series follow up, plus the ending to V-The final Battle left viewers with a well what happens next. I purchased V The Series through Amazon and finished watching the complete series last night. I don't remember many of the episodes from growing up because of my involvement with basketball in Junior High and missed most of them do to games and practice. The first 12 episodes I have to say were good, due largely to the cast. I especially liked Lane Smith as Nathan Bates, he played both sides of the fence; but knew what could happen if Diana wanted him out of the way. I knew once Bates was killed off, the series was in Jeporady. In episode 13 when Bates was killed off, the series didn't make a lot of sense. If you remember in episode 2 I believe Bates told Diana, he wears a pulse-oximeter in case she tried to eliminate him.If his pulse would stop she and her race would perish because the red dust would be released. In episode 12 Mr. Chang shot him at point blank when Kyle was trying to help his father leave Science Frontiers. The series just didn't make that much sense after Bates was killed off; plus most of the cast left. I do give them credit for trying especially bringing back Frank Ashmore as Philip, Martin's Twin. The series had too many different writer's; and that probably caused it's demise. I hope this review was helpful to you, the series is still worth to buy especially at Amazon, I only paid 4 dollars and for those who enjoyed the movies the series was not the best; but some of the episodes were actually good especially the first 12. Kris L. CocKayne-abucki4ever71


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