Untamed Full Movie Hd 720p Free Download

Untamed Full Movie Hd 720p Free Download


Untamed Full Movie Hd 720p Free Download


Alfie (Kingsley Amadi), grew up fatherless with the intention of being like his father who was a great fighter. Training all his life, he gains access into the fight club run by the well-known Jelivic (Jack Smith) who spotted a potential in the kid. From there Alfie (Kingsley Amadi) made a reputation for himself with his aggressive fighting abilities. As time went on, he is fueled with greed and arrogance due to his unbeaten status. Jelivic (Jack Smith), the founder of the fight club is a great fan of Alfie (Kingsley Amadi). Alfie makes him rich after every fight but things are to change when Jelivic's associates convince him to raise the stakes against Alfie. The trusted friend of Alfie, Hurian (Chris Papastergiou), has an agenda of his own as he seeks to find the murderer of his father, killed during a fight with his rival. Hurian, is disappointed to find out that the murderer was killed so he puts matters into his own hands by targeting the next of kin.
Untamed is set in the underground world of an organised illegal fight scene where people fight for money and respect. Untamed, explores themes of violence, revenge and betrayal. The focus of the story lies in determining how truth evolves as a by-product of perception of the character. A fighter sets to earn the respect of the fight scene but needs to be disposed of as he is a threat to the business. However, the reality is much different than he expected.


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