apel malang


Freedom generally has the ability to act or change without obstacles. One thing is free if it can change its situation easily and unrestricted in its present state. In philosophy and religion, it is related to having free will and unimpeded or unfair or unfair freedom and is an idea that is closely related to the concept of freedom. One has the freedom to do things which are not, in theory or in practice, preventable by other forces. Outside of the human world, freedom generally has no political or psychological dimension. therefore we set one of the main goals to provide an alternative where nothing before and grant the agency a choice to those who can only dream of it.

UniDAG is a project developed and supported by individuals, different communities, commercial enterprises and government agencies. It is based on the symbiotic principles of freedom, openness, official and new technological developments. The main objective of this project is progress, qualitatively improving people's lives in many directions, the UniDAG Consortium is an association of independent commercial companies around the world, whose work is focused on developing and supporting the UniDAG project, https://unidag.com/

The further goal of the UniDAG project is the realization of the idea of ​​publicity and the transparency of human life as far as the moral and legal norms of society allow it. The world in which society itself is the principal auditor who has the freedom we aspire to. 

-We want to make sure that public registers are a common practice and that they are accessible to everyone. 

-We want to provide an alternative to the existing closed system, where the guarantor is a person, not a country. 

-We want to show that morality and law are easier to observe in a world where everything is clear and understandable. 

-We want to make it so that human rights obedience has become beneficial a priori and has not been forced from outside.

UniDAG allows you to create innovative ecosystems that support accelerated transactions with zero commissions, smart contracts, accessibility for casual users, protection from malicious attacks. The priority of development is to improve scalability with consensus proof protocols of genuine trust. The solution that can be solved UniDAG assumes architecture a new distributed registry that eliminates major scalability issues: slow transaction speed and commission growth, the complexity of intellectual contract programming, security in intellectual contracts, inflexibility in managing and updating protocols, lack of usability.

DAGchain is a continuous sequential block sequence with data, built according to the rules of directed acyclic graphs. The main function of DAGCHAIN ​​is to maintain and protect data in unchanged form. Dagchain is built using a set of frameworks and libraries that can be used separately and in various combination with each other. 

UniDAG -Ribs dagchain 

feature (Connection) 

When building a dagchain, only the same number of connections are used. 

-Versatility The 

independence of the hashing algorithm significantly expands 

the scope of the application. 


block The use of unique open block and closed technology increases the level of security.

Whitepaper: https://unidag.com/docs/en/WhitePaper-en.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unidagworld/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorldUniDAG

Telegram: https: // t.me/World_UniDAG

Blog: https://medium.com/unidag

Ann Threads BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4516651.0

BTT Account: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953438

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