Undercut Full Movie Download Mp4

Undercut Full Movie Download Mp4


Undercut Full Movie Download Mp4


American Ninja Eric loses his job as a state employed peace officer when his job is outsourced to cheaper, cost effective Chinese labor. As if dealing with the hardships of unemployment were stressful enough, Ninja Dog is sick and needs expensive medicine. A clever Ninja Political Satire filled with Hong-Kong calibur action by upcoming stunt crew "The Stunt People."
This film has awesome fight scenes and Reedy&#39;s camera work and effects are the shiznit. Although the film was made guerrilla style, and with low (or no?) funding...I was very impressed with the script content, political satire, comedic moments, amazing poop in your pants fight choreography and stunts by the stuntpeople (their name, not a typo...), and camera work. At the film&#39;s premiere at the Metreon, we were also shown behind-the-scenes footage of how the film was made...and Reedy&#39;s documentary of how he made the film was just as entertaining, if not more entertaining. The film itself had some slow moments and the acting was very sketch comedy-esquire, but it did not take away from the fact that he was able to do so much with so little. <br/><br/>Reedy seems to be one of those creative genius, provocative, in your face, inventive filmmakers. <br/><br/>I can&#39;t wait to see what he does with more funding.
I&#39;ve been a long time follower of &quot;The Stunt People&quot;&#39;s films. So naturally I almost pee&#39;d myself when Undercut came out. I was not disappointed, I tell you what. The story is basically about Eric Ninja, who is a ninja for the government. One day, he gets replaced by imported Chinese ninja Andy. So Eric Ninja goes through bad times, trying to find new jobs, and provide for his dog. The effects weren&#39;t Hollywood material, but they were still good. The music was well done, and in my opinion the acting was really good. But most importantly, the fight scenes were the best. Choreographed by Eric Jacobus himself, the fights were interesting, face paced, and damn cool!<br/><br/>If you like independent films, ESPECIALLY good quality martial arts independent films, check out the stunt peoples movies.


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