UPDATED Women in the Book of Mormon Study Guide by Heather Farrell (Goodreads Author) eng iphone cheap book download

UPDATED Women in the Book of Mormon Study Guide by Heather Farrell (Goodreads Author) eng iphone cheap book download

UPDATED Women in the Book of Mormon Study Guide by Heather Farrell (Goodreads Author) eng iphone cheap book download

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Book description
How many women do you think are in The Book of Mormon? Would it surprise you to know that there are more than 50 women, and groups of women, mentioned in The Book of Mormon? This study guide is designed to help you learn to see the women in The Book or Mormon and undertake a personal study of their lives. It contains scripture references and journaling pages for all 53 women, or groups of women, included in The Book of Mormon. In addition there are questions, prompts, and study aids for each womans story that will help you go more in-depth and make your study meaningful. Be prepared to read The Book of Mormon with new eyes!
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