UPDATED White Lines on a Green Field by Catherynne M. Valente (Goodreads Author) download mobi

UPDATED White Lines on a Green Field by Catherynne M. Valente (Goodreads Author) download mobi

UPDATED White Lines on a Green Field by Catherynne M. Valente (Goodreads Author) download mobi

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Book description
Valente takes her erudite and poetically epic sense to tap into the minds of young people, and the results are...well, magical, as she always seems to be able to pull something out of the bottom of her hat. Nerds find magic among jocks here, and magical realism is always front and center, with her gifted voice so solidly codified in her novella The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland and In the Night Garden. Teenage life, teenage sex...For better or for worse, Valente brings her unique vision of everyday life to the mundane world of small-town culture. If only those of us truly living such a life could experience such a thing.
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