UPDATED What Christians Believe by C.S. Lewis value text macbook online eng

UPDATED What Christians Believe by C.S. Lewis value text macbook online eng

UPDATED What Christians Believe by C.S. Lewis value text macbook online eng

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Book description
The Essentials ExplainedMaster storyteller and essayist C. S. Lewis here tackles the central questions of the Christian faith: Who was Jesus? What did he accomplish? What does it mean for me?In these classic essays, which began as talks on the BBC during World War II, Lewis creatively and simply explains the basic tenets of Christianity. Taken from the core section of Mere Christianity, the selection in this gift edition provides an accessible way for more people to discover these timeless truths. For those looking to remind themselves of the things they hold true, or those looking for a snapshot of Christianity, this book is a wonderful introduction to the faith.
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