UPDATED Vanquished Enemy by Yamila Abraham (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

UPDATED Vanquished Enemy by Yamila Abraham (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

UPDATED Vanquished Enemy by Yamila Abraham (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
Not my tasteIf you still enjoy yaoi manga or bawdy bodice rippers youll probably enjoy this. The men in this fiction very much play to the old yaoi cliche where it feels very much like Im reading a bunch of over dramatic women acting in mens bodies. I didnt feel like there was enough description during the steamy bits, and there was a repetitive theme in the fetish play. I felt that area could have stood to be more varied and imaginative. I found myself really bored with the sex by the end. If you like your men to act like men in your gay fiction, this is not for you.
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