UPDATED Vampire Knight: Ice Blue Sin by Ayuna Fujisaki (Writer) book offline look eng audio

UPDATED Vampire Knight: Ice Blue Sin by Ayuna Fujisaki (Writer) book offline look eng audio

UPDATED Vampire Knight: Ice Blue Sin by Ayuna Fujisaki (Writer) book offline look eng audio

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Book description
A novella inspired by the Vampire Knight series...Cross Academy: Behind its gates, humans and vampires share the same halls, separated by Day and Night - a testament to the efforts of one man to promote their peaceful co-existence. Very soon, it will bear witness to a dramatic change in dynasty centuries old in the making. But Before that, stories from the past shall set future events in stone...Ice Blue SinIn the hours of twilight, an intreprid Day Class girl sneaks into the most forbidden place on campus - the Moon Dormitory of te Night Class students. While these scions of vampire aristocracy do not usually take note of humans, Fuka was warmly received and even invited back among them. Something about her has got the Night Class talking, and when one becomes bewitched by the darkness, there can be no turning back...Season of TransienceBorn into a distinguished vampire hunter family, young Zero is destined to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. Used to the safety and security of training with his master, the arrival of a senior disciple soon opens his eyes to the harsh reality that is the life of a vampire hunter. Before Cross Academy beckons, this one event shall forever reshape the boys childhood and turn his eyes jaded to the world.
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