UPDATED Upheaval in the Quiet Zone: 1199/SEIU and the Politics of Healthcare Unionism by Leon Fink link italian free iBooks ipad

UPDATED Upheaval in the Quiet Zone: 1199/SEIU and the Politics of Healthcare Unionism by Leon Fink link italian free iBooks ipad

UPDATED Upheaval in the Quiet Zone: 1199/SEIU and the Politics of Healthcare Unionism by Leon Fink link italian free iBooks ipad

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Book description

Book description
This new second edition updates the dramatic story of 1199SEIU, an insurgent labor union that eventually established itself as a vital force in the modern labor movement. When SEIU president Andrew Stern laid plans in 2006 for a new national health care workers union that would both reach out to the unorganized and campaign for universal, national health insurance, he turned to 1199 president Dennis Rivera--and the 1199 political model--to lead the effort. With new material that updates the unions history since the 1990s, this book conveys the promise and problems of movement-building in the twenty-first century health care industry.
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