UPDATED Transiting Exoplanets by Carole A. Haswell read italian buy touch direct link

UPDATED Transiting Exoplanets by Carole A. Haswell read italian buy touch direct link

UPDATED Transiting Exoplanets by Carole A. Haswell read italian buy touch direct link

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Book description
The methods used in the detection and characterization of exoplanets are presented through the study of transiting systems in this unique textbook for advanced undergraduates. From determining the atmospheric properties of transiting exoplanets to measuring the planetary orbits alignment with the stellar spin, students will discover what these measurements imply for reinvigorated theories of planet formation and evolution. Worked examples and exercises with full solutions help students to assess their understanding of concepts and results. Key points and equations are highlighted to make them easily identifiable, and there are full color illustrations throughout. Bridging the gap between introductory, non-mathematical texts and more advanced textbooks, this book is ideal for students with some background in mathematics, physics and astronomy. Accompanying resources to this textbook are available at: http: //www.cambridge.org/features/astrophysics
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