UPDATED Thor: Gods & Men by Dan Jurgens without signing reader touch wiki book

UPDATED Thor: Gods & Men by Dan Jurgens without signing reader touch wiki book

UPDATED Thor: Gods & Men by Dan Jurgens without signing reader touch wiki book

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Book description
This trade paperback collects Dan Jurgens final storyline to his epic run on Thor. Jurgens receives too little recognition for his take on Thor. Much has been said about Walter Simonsons seminal run on the character in the 80s but Jurgens Thor is influential in its own right. In fact, current Thor writer Jason Aarons Old King Thor is influenced by Jurgens King Thor. The physical appearance of both monarchs is a dead giveaway. Both have the same missing limb and missing eye. The Odinsons current state of unworthiness in todays comic books isnt the first time he lost the ability to wield Mjolnir; Jurgens got that first.That Jurgens manages to bring his run to a satisfying conclusion is an achievement. This is actually first ending for this Thor series. A second concluding arc, which ties in a bit more coherently to Avengers Disassembled, followed this one. Rarely does a writer has the opportunity to end a series or run in his or her own terms. Jurgens makes the best of that chance here.
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